Ch. 7

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I pin Ban onto the bed, surprising him. "Hmm..." Ban thinks. "Actually, I have a bit better idea." He gets up. I look at him, interested. "Meliodas is having a cheat day with Elizabeth right now. So, if you don't do this-"
"Wait.. what!" I say, sadly. The reality of what was going on snapped me back into my correct mental state.
"You can't be that mad."

"I just.. whatever, I won't stoop that low. Thanks for putting me back into my right mind."
"Oh, you might wanna sleep in here, her rooms next door to yours." I laugh as I sit back down. "Sometimes, you surprise me." I sat smirking, "When you say something smart." He glares at me as I lay down. I snuggle up to him and fall asleep with his hand around my waist.

Meliodas POV

I'm sure Y/N wouldn't mind if I had one cheat day with Elizabeth. I knock on Elizabeth's door.
"O-oh, Hello Sir Meliodas!" I smirk as I walk in the door, pushing her onto her bed.


I woke up the next morning and stretched. I threw on a sweatshirt Ban couldn't fit but was to big for me and grabbed a pair of shorts that were the perfect size for me. I walk out and smile at King as I get downstairs.
"Hey King!"
"Hey Y/N!" He says, sounding happy. Diane and Gowther walk downstairs.

I smile and wave.
"You know what, I'll cook today!" I say, forgetting everything about yesterday. I get up and run behind the counter. I grab ingredients and make bacon, eggs, and pancakes. "Orders up. EVERYONE GET DOWNSTAIRS FOR BREAKFAST!" Ban rushes downstairs.
"I'm not missing your cooking." He says, sitting down.

I laugh and pass out plates.
"Oh, and here is the syrup. Made it myself!" Ban stuffs his face, nodding his head. "Hey, you guys seen Meliodas and Elizabeth?" I ask, biting into my bacon. Ban looks at me sadly. Diane and King don't make eye contact. Gowther reads their minds and sees he shouldn't say anything. Hawk sighs sadly.

"Uh, I don't know anything except how good this food is!" King exclaims, stuffing his mouth with food. I shake my head, laughing.
"I'll just go get them- never mind, there they are!" Meliodas walks downstairs with a tired look on his face. Elizabeth follows and looks guilty.
"Hey Y/N!" Meliodas says, walking towards me. Before he gets there, King flies in front of me and sneers at Meliodas.

"Don't touch her." King grabs my hand and pulls me onto his pillow, flying above Meliodas' reach. Ban promptly punches Meliodas out the side of the tavern.
"Wha! What's going on?!" Gowther looks at me and a multiple images flash into my head.

Meliodas knocking on Elizabeth's door.
Meliodas pinning her onto her bed.
Him kissing down her stomach, then both being undressed.
Her moaning, throwing her head back.
It ends.

I collapse into a crying mess as King's pillow expands so I don't fall.
"He... he cheated on me?!" I look at Ban. "You weren't kidding. I thought.."
"I'm sorry Y/N." I look at Elizabeth with a burning rage in my eyes.
"You BITCH!" I screech, trying to get to her. King's pillow holds me back.

"I'm so sorry Lady Y/N! I didn't realize what I was doing until it was too late!Please don't kill me!" She pleads, getting on her knees. I sigh and stop struggling. The pillow let's me go and slip softly to the floor. I open my arms and she runs into my hug.
"It's fine, I forgive you. Just, be more careful." She nods, thanking me a million times while crying into my shoulder.

I pat her  on the back before pulling away. "Now Where is that son of a bitch. Actually, Ban!" He looks at me. "You get him, I'll set up for tonight. I have a plan."  I say smirking, rubbing my hands together.


"Kiro! I'm glad you could make it!"

I pulled my close friend into a hug. He chuckled and hugged me back.
"So, I'm managing the music tonight?"
"Yup! Thanks for accepting the job though. No one else would do it." I lie. I smirk in my head as everything falls into play. "Ok, so! You ready!"
"Never been more ready in my life!" He jokes. We laugh before bidding a farewell and walking separate ways.

Man, it was packed. So many people, I'm pretty sure our sales are going through the roof. I walk over to the sign-up sheet and sign my name. I walk upstairs and change into all black. Black bra. Black leggings. Black long sleeved shirt. Black eyeliner. Everything was black except for my red lipstick.

I smile at myself and throw on a cloak before proceeding down stairs. I come down at the exact right time.
"And now! For our first singer! Y/N L/N!!" Kiro yells as you walk on stage. Everyone cheers as Ban gives me a thumbs up and nods his head towards Meliodas who's in the back of the bar.

I smile and throw off my blue cloak. Everyone cheers louder. I whistle and Emerald and Mel-Mel appear at my sides.
"You guys ready?" I ask them. They nod.

I begin singing, throwing my heart into every word. I act totally insane as I have my tigers toy with me before getting up and showing strength, maybe showing off a bit. I wink at Meliodas occasionally, making him a blushing mess. I lay on my tigers back sideways so I'm across both of them. They step sideways and before I fall, I catch myself in a split.

The crowd cheers as I come to an end. I slowly walk down stage to where Kiro is. I grab his collar and when the song ends, pull him into a kiss. Ban holds Meliodas' arms in case he lashes out, but he doesn't. All I feel is his piercing glare. I pull away from the kiss and pat him on the back before walking off stage completely.

Everyone is still cheering. I go to the bar. "Hey Ban, a vodka maybe?"he nods and slides it down the bar table to me.
"You know, Captain is probably gonna kill you?"
"Can't die." I say simply, sipping my vodka. Ban's eyes widen.
"What!?! Since when?!"
"Since I was born?"
"yup so, I'm good."
"Well, good thing cause here he comes."

I feel someone pick me up and carry me upstairs and into my room. The figure slams me down on the bed. In the dark, all I can see are emerald green eyes and blond hair. "Meliodas?"
"So you like being funny, don't you?" He smirks and hooks his thumb on the waist of his pants. "I'll show you fun~"

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