Who Are You

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(Y/N) pov

"I'm going to die"

I lay there in the rickety little boat that those bastards left me on to die. For four days now I've just been drifting along. I haven't even seen a single ship or island. "UGHH WHY THE FUCK DID THEY DO THIS"?

Ive lost so much strength since I haven't eaten anything, and my body is heavily bruised from the fight I was in. I have quite a few cuts, but the only bad one is on my right leg. However my clothes are all torn and nasty with dry blood and dirt caked all over them. I had ripped a piece of my shirt off and it was tied around my wound keeping it from bleeding. I just lay there starring at the sky, when I feel something wet hit my face.

"Great now it's gonna rain, just what I need right now."

I push myself up closing my (e/c) eyes leaning my head on the side of the boat, and open my mouth trying to catch some rain to quench my thirst and help sooth my dry throat.

After a few minutes I fall asleep.


I'm jolted from my sleep by the waves violently rocking my little boat around. Splashing salt water into the boat and on my wound. I scream in pain. "Please don't fall apart little boat. Please don't capsize."

I hold on for dear life and squeeze my eyes shut not wanting to see what's coming, but as soon as it started, the waves calmed, sky's cleared and the sun was shining once again. "Just another day on the Grand Line I guess."

I flung myself back in utter defeat, when I felt the boat hit something. I shot up "Ouch shit that hurts." I forget about how bruised and sore my body was. "Dumbass" I turn around and my eyes go wide.


There in front of me was an island. A whole island. Like a big ass piece of land. How the hell could I have missed that.

I roll out of the boat, onto my back hitting the sand, and knocking the wind out of me. As I try to catch my breath I look around trying to figure out where the hell I am. I grab the side of the boat and pull myself into a sitting position, leaning against it.

'This island is super creepy.' I look around the thick fog and see nothing but smashed up buildings. "Ya just my luck to land on an uninhabited island. What am I gonna do now?"

I can't go back out to the sea, so I find a big sturdy stick to help my walk. My legs hurts so bad that with every step I wince in pain and a few tears fall from my swollen eyes. "I can't give up now. Maby I'll have some luck and find some food growing around here" I say to myself before pushing myself  go deeper into the island.

The farther I go in the more scared I get. I don't know why but I feel like I'm being stalked. I try to run when I hear a very loud scream from behind me. Unfortunately my leg gives out and I fall face first to the ground. I push my upper body up just enough to lift my head to see a big ass monkey wearing armor standing in front of me. He lifts a sword up getting ready to strike. 'Yup this is how I die'. And brings it down to strike.

When all the sudden I see another blade right in front of my face stopping it. This blade is black and extremely big. I follow the blade up to its weilder, and see the back of a man in a long dark coat with dark hair and a hat with a feather in it. When the monkey sees the mans face he turns tail and runs in fear.

As the man turns to look at me I collapse and my world goes black.


As I start to wake up I feel the softness and warmth of a bed underneath me. "Mmmm it must have all been a dream." I say fluttering my (e/c) eyes open.

The sight I'm greeted with is unfamiliar and I instantly sit up, looking around the large room. "Where the hell am I?" I try to get out of the bed, but my legs give out and I fall to the floor. I wince in pain at the wound on my leg, but notice that it's clean and bandaged. Come to think of it I'm in different close. Memories  of the dark blade weilder come back into my head. 'I wonder if he brought me here, but why.'

I try to get up again when I hear the door opening.

My head snaps in the direction of the sound of footsteps. I see the man from before walking towards me with a tray of food. A stoic expression on his face and, beautiful golden eyes piercing my (e/c) ones making me freeze in place. He sets the tray down on the night table, and turns to me. He opens his mouth and the most silky voice comes out.

"Who are you, and what are you doing on my island?"

'His island, then this island isn't uninhabited. There's hope for me.' I'm pulled from my thoughts when he asks again.

"Who are you, and what are you doing on my island?"

I open my mouth voice shaky from fear and it cracks from being parched.

"I'm (f/n) (l/n) and I washed up here. I have no where to go and nothing to return to.

His gaze on me was unnerving, causing me to look away.

He smirked "I'm Dracula Mihawk, this is my home, and you may stay here till you heal. For now you need to eat." He says motioning to the tray.

"Wait how long have I been asleep?"

"Eight days" he says leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

His name sounded so familiar to me, but I can't figure it out.

"Who are you"

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