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3rd person pov

"I-I-I can't believe your him. I've heard so many stories about you, but I was beginning to think you were just a story...a legend. I never dreamed that you would actually be real." You say in shock. 'Or so hot' you think to yourself.

Mihawk chuckles at your reaction and sits back down to finish his meal.

"After lunch I need to check your wound and rebandage it."


You only eat a small portion of your food. Since it's been so long that you ate, it caused your stomach to shrink. "I'm sorry I can't eat anymore, and you went through the trouble to make this for me."

"Its alright mi belleza, I figured as much but I wanted to make you something to eat in case you felt like you could handle more then just the fruit I gave you this morning." He stands taking the dirty dishes to the kitchen. You follow him, and offer to wash the dishes.

"You really shouldn't stand for to long you might reopen your wound."

"Please let me wash the dishes for you, and then I'll rest for the remainder of the day." "Okay, but I'll dry them and put them away." "Thank you Mihawk."

He smirks at the way his name rolls off your tongue and out your lips.

When you're done you feel him shift to the side of you and places one arm behind the back of your neck and the other behind your knees lifting you up, carrying you bridal style. You squeek at the sudden and close contact between you and him.

"It will be much faster if I just carry you back to your room." He says with a stoic expression.

"Ummm okay" you say as your face begins to heat up. You wrap your arms around Mihawks neck and lay your head on his shoulder taking in his soothing scent.

When you get back to your room he gently sits you down on the edge of the bed, and pulls a chair over to sit on. " you need to remove your boots and pants" he says stoic as always, as your face gets hot once again. He then disappears into the bathroom as you began to undress. Now sitting there in only a shirt and your panties, he comes back in with a first aid kit. He sits down in the chair in front of you placing the kit on the night table. He bends down placing his hand under you calf, raising your leg and resting your foot in his lap.

He unwraps your wound carefully as possible trying not to hurt you. When you lay your eyes on the wound for the first time in eight days a few more tears slip from your (e/c) orbs. It was nasty looking. A 10 inch jagged wound  marred your right thigh starting from the base of your hip. "I cleaned and sterilized it the best I could but I had to give you a 105 stitches. It's healing nicely, and I had a doctor come look at it while you're still asleep. He says as long as it continues to heal properly he will be back to remove your stitches in one more week. Your very lucky it didn't get infected from all the salt water while you were abandoned on that boat."

Before you realize what you doing you pull your foot down and leap onto  his lap straddling him, holding him tightly. "Thank you Mihawk. Thank you so much for saving my life." You whisper with a shaky voice in between sobs.

He freezes at your abrupt actions, but returns your embrace. As soon as you realize what you doing you break your hold on him and push yourself off his lap and out of his strong arms landing back onto the bed. " I'm so sorry I didn't mean...I-I shouldn't have.

You divert your gaze from his, to you're fidgeting hands that rest in your lap. He once again places his fingers under your chin raising your face back up. "It's okay, it's nothing to feel shameful about. You should never feel any amount of shame while your in my presence."

Your eyes widen a little bit at his statement, but you still can't bring yourself to smile. You used to love to smile but now you're too scared to feel the happiness you once felt when you were a Captain with your trusted and beloved crew.

Mihawk studys your face and brings his left hand up, and brushes the back of his fingers against your black eye once more. You subconsciously lean into his touch. " You are a very beautiful woman (y/n) and I promise to bring that smile back to your lips. I bet it's just as beautiful as you are." You stare at him in disbelief, and think ' How could somebody think someone like me is so beautiful with this nasty black eye and the repulsive scar marring my once unblemished body.'

"I know the betrayal from your crew left your heart broken and scarred. It would to anybody, that's a hard thing to get past, but I promise you that it will get better, you will be able to pick up the pieces and I'll help you. I can still see that deep in your eyes you were once a fearsome captain but now you're scared, lonely, and broken."

As Mihawk continues to talk, you just sit there and take it all in, and more tears continue to slip out of your (e/c) orbs, and down your cheeks. You can no longer control it, you can no longer hold it back, and you don't even care anymore.

"Why do you even care so much? I'm a stranger to you. Why'd you even save my life?"

"I saved your life because I could, and I help you now because there's something I see in your eyes that draws me to you, that makes me want to know you, and to help you."

You only nod as he slides over to sit on the bed next to you. He snakes his arms around you and pulls you into his chest, holding you gently but firmly, and rubs your hair rocking back and forth soothing you. You soon fall asleep in his arms.


You wake up in the middle of the night screaming and trying to fight off people who aren't there, reliving your memories that are still fresh in your mind and heart.

Mihawk hears you, thinking you were in trouble and comes running in with Yoru drawn. When you hear him come through the door you snap your head in his direction and see only the sword. Your body shaking uncontrollably, eyes wide and full of fear. Your scared as hell, thinking he has come to kill you. You frantically start backing away until you fall off the bed and push yourself all the way into the corner huddled up in the fetal position.

When he realizes you are alone he notices how terrified you are and lays his sword down and very slowly begins to make his way towards you.

Your eyes are clamped shut, your hands tangled in tour (h/l) (h/c) hair, and you just keep repeating "please don't kill me" as the tears continue to fall.

"(Y/n)" he says softly

You don't respond

"(Y/n) Please look at me" he says sitting on the floor next to you. He hesitates for a moment before placing his hand on your arm, but you jerk away from his touch.

"(Y/n) its okay, I promise your safe" he says bringing his hand up to rub your hair. You slowly crack open your eyes, and when your (e/c) orbs meet his golden gaze you instantly feel relief wash over you, and lunge into his arms. He immediately wraps his arms around you holding you close. He lifts you up off the cold, hard floor laying you back on your bed. Still holding you tightly, as you cling to him as if he would disappear if you were to let go.

When you calm down you shift your body so your laying more comfortably, cradled in his arms with your head on his chest. You look up at him, fear still present in your eyes, but not for the hawk eyed man, and Mihawk knew this.

You slowly leaned up and place a light kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, this probably isn't what you had in mind while you were waiting for me to wake up."

"It's okay mi belleza go to sleep."

"You won't leave me will you"

"No mi bellenza" he says stroking your cheek with the back of his fingers.

You feel so relaxed and safe in his warm embrace that you're soon overcome with sleepiness and once again slip into unconsciousness.

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