Reoccurring Nightmares

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A/N- mi belleza (means my beauty in spanish)

3rd person pov

Throughout the night you jolt awake, clinging to Mihawk making sure you were still with him, and not back on your old ship being almost beaten to death by your crewmates. He wakes everytime you start to whimper and clutch him in fear, stroking your hair and holding you tighter. "It's okay mi belleza, I'm here."

Something about this man was comforting to you and calmed you down, and you would always fade back to sleep.


You open your (e/c) eyes when the sunlight peeks in through the curtains.  Your curled up next to Mihawk facing eachother, arms wrapped around eachother and legs tangled together. You blush at the close and intimate position your in with the swordsman. You tilt your head up to steal a look at his sleeping face.

'He looks so peacefull while he sleeps.' You study his face carefully taking in his handsome features. You really liked how he sculpted his facial hair, and his messy dark hair. Your eyes travel to his half exposed perfectly chiseled chest and abs. Your just about to run your fingers over his body, but are stopped by his voice.

"What's wrong mi belleza?"

You pull your hand back and tilt your head to look upon his face once again. His eyes still closed, you let out a soft sigh. "N-Nothings wrong".


"Hmmmm" he hums for you to continue.

"Thank you.....for staying with me. I guess I'm more broken then we both thought."

He opens his golden eyes locking onto your (e/c) ones. "You just need time and support to emerge from this dark place your stuck in." Your faces only inches away as you get lost in eachothers gaze. He leans closer and you can feel his hot breath on your lips, your face heats up and your eyes widden just a little as your heart beats faster.

Just before your lips meet, Mihawk pulls back and release his hold on you.

Your not sure if your happy about it or not, but you release your hold as well.

You sit up in bed letting the covers slide off your body and you realize you are still wearing only, the same shirt and panties from the day before, making you blush once again. You look to your wounded leg as you slide to the edge of the bed, and notice you busted a few stiches making you bleed. Since this happened during your struggle in the middle of the night, your entire thigh is covered in dried blood.

You look to Mihawk "Ummm I think I need to take a bath" you say showing him your leg. Mihawk comes around the bed and examines your wound to see if it's still bleeding. When he's satisfied with how it looks he gets up and walks into the bathroom. You soon hear the sound of running water.

"There are a few more clothes for you in the closet. After your bath I'll restich where your wound opened so it won't start bleeding again, then we can have breakfast."

"That sounds good, but if I'm gonna be staying here for a while I will need more clothes and a few other things."

"Then I shall take you to the nearest Island today after we eat."

"Okay thank you". Still no smile graces your lips, but you feel something deep inside your heart that seems familiar.

Mihawk leaves you to bathe and dress for the day. Retrieving Yoru, and making his way to his room to do the same.

You pick out (f/c) pants and black tank top, with black boots.

You limp into the bathroom and strip your clothes off, climbing into the comforting waters for a relaxing bath.

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