The Boyfriend Series - Jyugo

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          This one will be a little more difficult but let's go for it.

Jyugo as a Boyfriend

- Jyugo would probably be shy about your relationship?
- He's not the best at expressing his feelings (or anything except breaking out of jail for that matter but anyways) so you kinda have to help him out and just be there for him 24/7 especially to make sure he doesn't hurt himself while eating an apple or something simple like that
- He's not extremely confident and deep down he'd probably think he doesn't deserve you
- He's not much into cuddling but if he's really having a bad day then he'll give in
- when he does let you cuddle y'all are actually semi sitting up and your head is on his shoulder and Jyugo will just have one arm around you it's cute
- y'all don't really have date nights most times y'all just chill at home and watch movies
- overall he'd be a cute bf but there's barriers you have to break for sure
- he's not going to be comfortable with you right away it will take at least a few weeks for the sparks to really click and he'll realize how he feels and get all confused
- you'll embrace all of his flaws and give him something to be happy about and he'll appreciate everything you do and he'll constantly wonder how he got so lucky
- i don't even know how y'all met probably when you were both randomly out for a walk and just bumped into each other and started talking?
- "hey why the sad face"
- "idk why do you have a sad face
- "wanna talk about it"
- "sure i guess"
- i don't even know but y'all ended up on a park bench and talking somehow
- i'm not really sure what else to say about Jyugo i mean he's kinda self explanatory
- he doesn't act like it but he secretly loves when you plant small kisses on his face it's comforting for him
- you guys will have deep talks quite a bit like in the middle of the night at 4am y'all will be laying on the couch or something and y'all will just talk about life and how crappy it can be sometimes and then y'all will just pass out
- no matter what Jyugo will just love you for you and that's coolio

          That's it for Jyugo. Next is Rock!

          xx imaginemeblue

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