The Boyfriend Series - Rock

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Gentle hulk here we go.

Rock as a Boyfriend

- date nights consist of eating and laughing okay
- the best ones are pizza/bowling night y'all go bowling and bug out on pizza that is indeed cooked in a stone oven
- y'all met in a restaurant you were a waitress and Rock and the cellmates were hanging and grabbing a bite
- he fell metaphorically right onto his face the moment you started discussing the specials he knew you knew your food stuff
- "today's specials are blah blah blah"
- "wow you really know your food stuff"
- "ye i guess"
- Uno knew Rock was lowkey into you and snatched your number for him what a good friend guys help guys with ladies amirite
- y'all became a couple over food what an amazing story so inspiring just goals
- in terms of cuddling Rock is chill with it as long as he's in the mood for it
- surprisingly he's gentle with you even though he's got those hulking muscles and crazy strength?
- when y'all cuddle your bodies seem to fit together like puzzle pieces and you'll usually end up falling asleep like that
- when you guys cuddle you're in the spooning position by the way
- Rock has his arms around you from behind it's really adorable
- he's legit the best kind of gentle giant
- he doesn't fall in love often so you're very special to him he will equip you with all the food you could ever want you'll be in paradise
- you'll just have movie marathons where y'all binge eat together y'all sometimes feed each other which is cute
- he will rub your shoulders if you're having a stressful day no joke an actual decent massage right there
- i feel like Rock won't say i love you a whole lot but like he waits for the perfect moment to do it which is probably every week or two so he doesn't overdo it but he still makes it known you know?
- y'all would like the same type of music too and go to concerts probably
- i feel like Rock would be the kind of classic rock guy like AC/DC and Pink Floyd, maybe Metallica
- you'll have times where y'all are just blaring the music in your house/apartment and just be jamming together air guitaring and everything i kid you not the whole nine yards
- Rock would be a fun bf end of story
- he's under-appreciated

          xx imaginemeblue

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