The Sick Day Series - Uno

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These are going to be precious.

Uno has a bad case of the flu

I step up to the front door of his house, knocking my usual knock so they know it's me. A faint groggy voice speaks, but gets interrupted by a feminine voice. "Uno, stay there. I'll answer the door," his mom tells him.

          The door swings open and his mom offers me a warm smile. "Hello, [Name], how are you doing?"

          "I'm alright," I reply, "How is he?"

          Attempts at shuffling sound from inside the door, and Uno's groggy, congested, almost non-existent voice tries to speak. However, his mom continues to cut him off.

          "His fever is pretty high—one hundred and two degrees," she explains, "I'm not sure if you should be here. We don't want you getting sick, too."

          Her concern makes me chuckle. "Well, I would like to see him. It's been almost two weeks now. I'd rather get sick from taking care of him than neglect him and not get sick. Plus, you've been caring for him nonstop—you deserve a break."

          His mom places a soft hand on my cheek and nods as she smiles at me. I've accepted the fact that she sees me as the daughter she never had. "Alright, sweetie, come on in."

          I follow her into the house as she leads me through the kitchen to the living room, where my almost dead-looking boyfriend lays on the couch underneath five blankets and surrounded by used tissues. A small trash bin sits beside the couch, easily accessible to him. It looks like it's been used and washed a few times. Uno struggles to open his eyes slightly to look at me, then attempts a pained smile; he really is in bad shape.

          His mom goes into the kitchen quickly, then returns with a sticky note, handing it to me. "These are just some simple instructions about his medicine and stuff. I'm going to run some errands. Are you sure you'll be okay, [Name]?"

          A smile erupts on my face and I nod. "Yep. He's in good hands."

          She turns to leave, but hesitates and says, "His case of the flu is pretty bad. He may hallucinate from time to time. Just be prepared to talk him through it."

          I nod again. "Gotcha."

          His mom grabs her bag and leaves, leaving me to care for the helpless eighteen-year-old. My eyes land on my boyfriend's pale face as my hand lifts to gently stroke his hair. My voice is small as I try to speak to him. "Hey," I whisper, "Are you awake?"

          His eyebrows knit together and a raspy hum emits from him. My hand travels to his forehead; it's burning hot. I start to get up to go fetch a fresh bottle of water for him, but I'm stopped in my tracks when I hear Uno's cracky voice. "Where are you going?"

I offer a gentle smile and reply, "I'm gonna get you some water."

"You can't do that, silly," he tries to chuckle—he seems a bit dizzy.

I situate myself on the floor beside where he lays on the couch. "And why's that?" Small giggles escape me as well.

"We're going to miss our flight if you take too long."

Pure amusement paints my features. "Our flight? Where are we going?"

A hand escapes from underneath his blankets to weakly 'boop' my nose. "We're going to Hawaii."

          "Oh, really?" I try to sound as surprised as I can. "Why are we going to Hawaii?"

          "It's our honeymoon," he claims. "Did you really forget?" he asks as his lips turn to a frown.

I smile and shake my head. This poor boy. "Uno, we're not married yet," I giggle. I look at the time on the cable box's digital clock—time for his medicine. Maybe it will help. "I'll be right back. It's time for your medicine."

Uno scrunches his nose and whines, "I hate medicine." He pulls the many layers of blankets over his face. My hand finds the exposed top of his head, gently stroking the soft hairs before getting up and going to the kitchen. I look at the instructions his mom left for me. Get him a small snack like a rice krispie treat or granola bar to eat first and let him take the probiotic, then have him sip down the two tablets with water.

          I grab a granola bar—the s'mores flavor, he loves that—and a cup to pour some water in as well as get out the small round probiotic and the two antibiotic tablets—two of them, large and white. Your standard antibiotic dosage. Placing the contents on a smaller tray, I bring it out to him and set it on the table. "Okay," I say, "You're gonna have to sit up to eat."

          I'm only met with a groan, but the second after I see slow movement underneath the five layers of blankets. Uno pushes himself up, wincing as he struggles. His hair which had been in a ponytail is now terribly messy and half fallen out of the hair tie. My expression becomes one of concern as I sit next to him, unwrapping the granola bar for him. As he eats and takes care of his medicine, I fix his hair, putting it in a comfortable bun so it's out of his face and off of his neck.

          After that, he has to go to the bathroom. And once that's done with, I help him situate himself again under the covers and he falls asleep for a while.


          Wow, sorry that took like 4 months to write. I've been super busy and kind of forgot I was in the middle of writing this. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this cute little one shot!

          xx imaginemeblue

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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