05 - Back to School! Or Not...

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The next day, I was promised that I'd get to go to school. So, although Mother was reluctant, I managed to get my uniform on before she could take away that privilege. See, Mother likes to savor the luxury of time. Since I was already ready, I was victorious.

With my long pink ponytail swinging behind me, I watch clean dress shoes as they step towards the bus. Hopefully, this time, I won't black out by the bus stop again.

The school vehicle was already waiting for me. Cautiously, I step up the steps and into the stinking interior, inhaling that familiar scent of a middle school. The bus driver smiles at me warmly.

"Nice to see you, Mogami-San," she greets. "No accidents today, right?"

I give a light laugh.

"Not today, no," I say politely. "It's good to see you too!"

After the formal greetings and exchanges, I make my way to the very back, where I knew Kagemi was waiting for me. I smile as I see her scraggly purple locks, hanging just past her shoulder.

"Hey," she says, as I sit next to her. "So you're better, I take it."

"Yup," I reply.

Kagemi looks at me for a second, as if suspicious about something. Though, I'm not sure what there was to be suspicious about.

"Something wrong?" I ask gingerly, afraid that she'd get angry and lash out at me, or something like that. No matter how uncharacteristic that may be to her personality, that's what she looks like she's about to do.

"Nothing is wrong," Kagemi says, forcing a smile onto her mouth. That's weird. Normally, her smile comes naturally. Sure, she smiles all the time, but that's because she's a happy person by nature.

We sit by each other on the bus in silence, waiting until we pull up into the school parking lot. Together, we get off, clutching our backpacks.

When we get inside, I feel that familiar rush I get. I'm always excited to learn, and am not afraid to show it. Even if I get made fun of once in a while. Because the people who tease me, are the ones who don't know anything, and are failing.

First class of the day was English. I walk into the room, my excitement mounting up. It felt absolutely incredible to have the privilege to learn. Some people, just don't appreciate that.

"Oh, she's back."

I know that mean voice anywhere. Souske. The class bully.

I turn to see him, sneering at me. His jet black hair was hanging in his face, deep blue eyes glaring daggers at my soft pink ones. I don't flinch, like I normally do, but turn around and ignore him instead.

"Oi!" he yells after me. "I'm talking to you, Mogami."

I don't turn around. Instead, I sit delicately in my seat, which was right in front. I always liked to be so near to the teachers, who I respect with all my heart. They've always provided so much education for so many kids. It was dedication, really.

"Akira-Chan!" the teacher greets. See, normally, we'd be called by our proper last name with the suffix -San, but Miyuki-Sama and I are on such good terms, we know each other by our first names.

"I'm happy that you're nice and safe," she smiles, green eyes sparkling in the light. "Do you feel well?"

"I'm excellent, really," I reply politely. "I'm eager to learn, and to be back at school."

"As a teacher, it's always great to say that," Miyuki winks. Then, she straightens and prepares to teach the class for the day.

End of the Day (just pretend it was all long and stuff, I'm too lazy to write 6 hours worth of school)

I walk on the sidewalk, on my way home. School went by way too fast for my liking. When it was over, I have to admit that it saddened me.

As I walk, I sense a strange aura. It was dark, and creepy. Ominous, if you will. As I near the source of the energy, I find a small object lodged in the wall of the Minimart.

A Grief Seed.

The opening to a labyrinth.

This is bad. Very, very bad. If there was a witch in this community, who knows what would happen? I suddenly remember my Soul Gem, which I changed into a small ring to fit my finger.

I stare at the gem, and close my eyes. Summoning my witch fighting equipment. Since I haven't fought a witch before, I had no idea what my 'equipment' would be.

Suddenly, I feel some clothing items wrap around me. A cool metal handle lands in my hand, and my hair braids itself into two different pieces.

As fast as it had come, I feel the sensation stop. I find myself standing in a completely different attire than that of a school girl.

My long pink hair hung at my sides in two silky braids, with red ribbons holding them together. My body was protected by a more feminine-sort of armor, with a black dress beneath it. In my hand, which was the most scary part of all...

I held a silver scythe.

Awkwardly, I look around to see people staring at me. I must look like one of those strange kids, who cosplay in the middle of the street.

[A/N I cosplay too, so please do not be offended CAUSE I LOVE COSPLAYERS]

I near the Grief Seed, and touch the base of it gingerly. Suddenly, in a swift jerking movement, I am inside of the labyrinth.

Thrown into the pit of death, to fight some witches.

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