03 - Homework and Gemstones

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I keep the visit to myself. I don't tell my mother, my father, or any of my siblings about what happened. Between having my wish granted by a creature of unknown species, and being visited by a woman who knows me yet doesn't, I'm almost certain that no one would believe me. And if they did, they would worry. That's just the type of people they are.

"Ak-eeeee-ra!" I hear her voice ring and know who it is before she even steps through the door. Kagami bursts into the room, pigtails bouncing and uniform fresh. In her hand she held a series of papers and a card made of pink cardboard paper.

"Kagami," I smile, setting down the book I was reading while watching her take a seat beside my bed. "What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like?" Kagemi smirks, setting the papers she held on the bedside table. "I'm here to bring you all the homework you've missed!"

"Ah, you're a life-saver!" I practically yell - except I couldn't, or I'd get in trouble with the nurses. "Oh my gosh, what would I do without you!?"

Kagemi playfully rolls her deep brown eyes.

"You'd die," she laughs, giving me one of her good-natured smiles. "You'd have a heart attack once you see your perfect little grades fall behind." She pats my head affectionately with a big grin on her pretty face.

"I know," I sigh, flipping through the papers and studying the questions lazily. I think this is the first time school wasn't my top priority.

"Now, I'm dying to know..." Kagemi looks at me, straight in the eye. Her intense, coffee-bean colored eyes look straight into mine, her face framed by pretty deep violet hair. She was still wearing her school uniform.

"What happened?"

"Well..." I was uncertain if I should tell her everything, or just use the cover-up story I used for my parents. That I was feeling woozy, and fell off the bench.

I decide to go with that, and tell her with as little detail as possible. Something about her aura tells me that she didn't fully believe me, but she went along with it. Nodding her head occasionally.

That's why I like Kagemi. She doesn't press matters, but listens and accepts things the way they're told. No questions asked.

"Welp, knowing the real story, I better go and set all the rumors at school to rest," Kagemi says, sucking in her breath. "They were saying that you probably got harassed or something, but I know you're smart enough to run away."

I nod, setting the papers down on top of my book. Kagemi's gaze follows my hand, and rests on the deep pink gemstone.

"What's this?" she asks, picking it up and examining it in the light. I feel my stomach clench as she does so, feeling as if she shouldn't be touching it.

[A/N total Lord of the Rings moment there XP]

"A gift," I say hastily, feeling relieved as she sets it back down. "From my.... fifth cousin."

Kagemi raises her eyebrows, causing them to disappear in her violet bangs. I just made her suspicious, and just as I finally had her wrapped around my finger, too.

"Must be very fond of you," she says slowly, narrowing her eyes. "Anyways, it's a pretty stone."

"Yeah." I couldn't help but feel like I was appearing to be freaked out, or whatever. Causing them to suspect I'm not being myself. I sure don't feel like myself...

"Please, feel better soon," Kagemi says softly. "It's boring at school without you. There's no one to tell us the answers to the teacher's question, and then we all get D's."

"I'll be sure to," I promise. "And...thank you so much, for visiting and bringing my homework. I've been worried about it all this time."

"Looks like that blow to your head didn't mess up your personality!" Kagemi grins, referring to my need to always have my work done. "Well. It's getting late, and I'm sure your family will be back before you go to bed. I better go."

"Alright," I say, almost sadly. Kagemi always lifted my spirits when I felt sad, or worried, or pained. That was why she was my best friend.

"Bye, Akira-Chan." She smiles affectionately. "I love you."

"I love you too, Kaga-Chan."

I'm glad that, even though fate says I don't belong, I can still see Kagemi as the same good-hearted girl I met in Kindergarten.

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