My Mother Is a Goddess

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No, no it's not. Kaname.

"What do you mean...?" I choke, unsure of what was going on. "Kaname? I never knew a Kaname once in my life!"

"Then you're just like the rest," Akemi says coldly. "You've forgotten her, haven't you. I was right. I'm the only one who remembers. Not even her own daughter knows her."

"What the heck!?" I blurt, unsure of what exactly was going on. Ever since I signed that contract, these weird gimmicks have been just playin themselves into my life.

"I think we need to talk," Akemi states, starting to walk out of the labyrinth. She waves her hand, gesturing for me to follow. After a moments hesitation, I do.

We walk through the city, silent. Akemi's jet-black hair waves in the wind as she walks, her Magical Girl clothing flashing and turning back to a normal outfit. I feel mine do the same, and I'm back in my school clothes.

I couldn't help but be surprised as Akemi leads me to a bridge, and begins to climb up. Carefully, I follow, watching the back of her head the whole time.

I slide a bit, but catch myself as that swooping feeling in my stomach subsides. My pink hair flies off to the side, waving in the wind. I continue to climb until Akemi stops, and sits.

I awkwardly sit next to her, unsure if I really should. When she doesn't tell me to move, or, you know, bite my face off, I relax a bit.

"You are going to be confused," Akemi informs me, casting her purple-eyed gaze out into the horizon. Ocean water churns beneath us, polluted from this city's residents.

"I think I'm familiar with that situation," I say bluntly, watching the sun set. My parent aren't going to be very happy...

"Alright." Akemi nods, her hair getting tossed back by the slight wind. "You're mother, is a goddess."

"What?" She warned me this would be confusing, but not THIS confusing! My mother was exceptionally pretty, but a goddess...?

But wait....something she said about my last name being Kaname, told me that she wasn't talking about my mother here. She was talking about some other woman.

Maybe this would explain more. Why I look so different, compared to my family. Why I was told that I didn't belong. Why my wish was to know everything.

Maybe this was just some late reaction, or late outcome, from my wish.

"Your mother," Akemi repeats. "She's a goddess. She used to live in my timeframe. She, too, was a Magical Girl. One with so much potential, it only ended up hurting herself."

"What do you mean?" I ask curiously, deciding that I better listen before I write her off as insane.

"I want to tell you a story," Akemi declares. "A story about a young girl. Kaname Madoka. But, as she was so kind, she allowed me to call her by her first name. Madoka."

She says the name 'Madoka' slowly, like it was a magical spell. She had affection blazing in her eyes, but it was also mixed with sadness. This story was obviously true.

But I didn't see, yet, how it applied to me.

"Madoka was a victim of Kyubey's contract nonsense," Akemi continues. "But, as smart as she was, she didn't sign right away. Why? Because I sent several warning signs, telling her not to."

"Why'd you do that?" I blurt, sounding indecent. It doesn't seem to sway Akemi, however.

"Madoka asked me to stop her at all costs," Akemi says softly. "To change the terrible fate she would've suffered. I messed with the folds of time, so she would never have to die again. So I would never have to see her pained expression."

"O-oh," I say quietly, beginning to get lost in the story.

"When she finally did make her wish, it was at the time of danger," Akemi continues. "A dangerous witch, called Walpurgis, was terrorizing this very city."

She continues her story as the wind picks up, the sun dipping behind the line of horizon.

"Her wish was that she could fight every single witch," she says quietly. "That she could end their suffering. And she did. But that wish...caused her existance to reach that of a goddess. She was everywhere, and anywhere. She was....forgotten, because of that."

I stare at my hands, eyes casting downwards as I see darkness beginning to overtake the two of us. How could someone wish a wish, that benifits many people, but have to be forgotten in return? It was bittersweet reality.

"My theory," she concludes. "Is that you are the part of her, sent to the future. That would make you her offspring. I wasn't sure at first, but as soon as I saw what your scythe did... I knew it was really you."

"I-I..." I stammer, unsure of what I was going to say. This whole thing didn't make any sense. How could I be a part of a goddess? This was too unreal to believe.

"I know you don't believe me," Akemi says, stating my exact thoughts. "I'm sorry that it had to be told in such a confusing way. But you are Madoka's daughter. Every hint points to that conclusion."

"That...doesn't make sense," I say quietly, watching the moon shimmer. "None of this makes sense. Why? Why doesn't this make any sense?"

"Because it was never meant to." Akemi sighs, and stares at the moon as well. The light reflected off her eyes made them glow a bright purple. "You may not believe me. But I hope you discover soon enough that I was right."

"I want to go home," I announce, voice thick. "I'm going home."

"I will escort you there," Akemi says, standing and climbing down deftly. I follow, stumbling here and there, maintaining absolute silence, and thinking.

I didn't want to believe this.

We reach the ground, moonlight causing our hair to glisten and sending shadows down our faces. It was so quiet. Then, almost timidly, I ask her another question.

"Why are you here?"

"My intentions are to protect you," Akemi informs me. "But you don't seem to want that protection."

"I do!" I exclaim, against my own will of course. I look down, embarrassed. "I want your protection."

"You do?" Akemi raises her eyebrows. "Will you accept my help, then? Will you let me help you with training?"

"I will," I mumble.

"Good." Akemi stares at the moon. "Then we start tomorrow."

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