Call Me Homura

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The cool of my weapon.

The echo of my boots.

The shapes hopping out at us.

A labyrinth. Most definitely a labyrinth. The ominous feeling, the way I couldn't seem to shake off despair, the way I felt as if my energy was being drained...

"Kaname." Akemi stops me, and throws her arm out to keep me from continuing. She gestures to the witch, and let me tell you. She was huge. "This is a very powerful witch," she tells me. "I don't want you getting hurt, okay?"

I nod my head, and start to walk again. Akemi follows, silent as usual. I walk up to the witch, and gasp as a strong wind hits me. She tried to strike.

This can't be good.

"Go from the behind!" Akemi calls out, swiftly avoiding hits with the gracefulness I wish I had. I attempt to do so, and it begins to work.

I slice through the neck with my weapon, but it wasn't enough. The witch was far too strong. She continues to attack, and I feel a searing pain go through my stomach area.

I didn't stop, though. I couldn't. The adrenaline racing through me was what kept me hitting. What kept me trying to win.

But the blood. I could feel it trickling down my clothes, down my legs. It was warm, and gushing. The wound was deep.

I flip back, then stumble. Akemi narrows her eyes at my weakness, then sighs. She was going to take over, and give me a chance to rest. So I set my hand over the stomach wound, and watch as she fights.

She throws her shield at the witch, and cuts it a bit, revealing the colorful insides. The witch seems unphased, though, as she continued to attack my companion.

Akemi goes from behind, and begins to pound it with bombs. But it didn't die. It continued to fight her, and even hit her forehead once. Blood trickled down her fair-skinned face, but she continued to fight. Her purple eyes were hard with determination.

Then, the unthinkable happened. The witch hit her, and she went flying to the ground. Her black hair flew as she bounced on the hard surface, then lay. Defeated.

I never would have thought that this would happen. Not with Akemi-San.

The witch saw this as an oppurtunity to strike. To end it all for her. But I couldn't let that happen. I wouldn't let that happen.

Just as she raised her hand, to strike again, I jump in front of the two of them. It was pure instinct, of course. I held my Scythe, and the witch slams her hand against it. She roars, then falls back in a crumbled heap of color.

"Y-you saved my life!" Akemi sputters, violet eyes widened with the after effects of fear and shock. "Y-you saved my life, Kaname!"

"Call me Akira," I nod curtly, and Akemi looks at me with confusion. I just gave her permission to call me by my real name.

Suddenly, her eyes shine with tears. A smile spreads across her face as she starts to laugh, quietly at first, but becoming louder and louder. I raise my eyebrows, concerned.

"If I can call you Akira," she giggles. "You can call me Homura."

I stare at her. In normal circumstances, I'd be pleased that she's finally allowed me to call her by her name. It was a beautiful name, too. Homura. It meant flame.

I grab her hand, and lift it to see her Soul Gem. Then, I gasp. The gem was chalk-full of darkness.

"Homura!" I yell, taking her hand and holding it close. "Your Gem! It's full!"

"Hm, that was the plan," she laughs, and I feel nauceous. "When the gem fills up, I go away. And I see her."

Not knowing what else to do, I grab a Grief Seed from her pocket. She always carries them around. Then, I set it on her gem, and watch as the dark goes away.

Homura stops laughing, but continues to cry. Tears drip down her face, and she looks completely broken. I never thought that I'd see the day when Homura Akemi breaks.

She sits up, and more tears fall down her cheeks. Then, she grabs me by the shoulders, and pulls me into the tightest hug. Surprised, I hesitate at first. Then, I slowly hug her back. She cries into my shoulder, and I sigh.

Suddenly, with a sweep of wind, I whip around to see that the witch was still alive. Why the heck is she still up!? 

I pull away from the embrace, and stand my ground, holding my Scythe in position. But it was too late. The witch didn't give me any time.

And the wound she inflicted...

It was completely fatal. 

And it was on my body.

No amount of healing power could fix it.

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