Becoming friends?

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Mylees POV-
Everyone turned around to see the new kid come in. I didn't. I waited for him to come to the front of the class and introduce himself. Some people gasped, some people whispered to the person behind them. I was confused! I kept my head down while drawing on a piece of paper. The kid walked up to the front of the class and said, "Hi..ummm my name is Jack Grazer and...some of you might know me as Eddie from IT." My head popped up.

No one POV-
Mrs. Zacek-"ok Jack you can sit down in front of Mylee"
Jack sits down and turns around to face Mylee
Jack- "Hi"
Mylee- "Hey"
Jack- "Mylee right?"
Mylee- "Yeah"
Jack- "Aren't you in 7th grade too?"
Mylee- "Yeah. I'm in 8th grade math though"
Jack- "That's exactly how it is for me too."
Mrs.Zacek- "ok class turn to page 208"
Jack - "well nice meeting you"
Mylee- "You too"

Mylees POV-
The whole class I couldn't think of anything but him. He's so nice and cute. Class is about to end. Next is 4th period....which is also math cause math is double blocked😫!


No ones POV-
Everyone but Mylee and Jack get up and leave the class. Jack turns around again and talks to Mylee.
Jack- "So is it safe to call you my first friend here at this school?"
Mylee- "Yeah! I wouldn't mind."
Jack- "So tell me about yourself!"
Mylee- "Well..ummm my name is Mylee Dean, I'm 12 years old, I love sports, I love animals, I love the movie IT, my favorite color is purple, and my favorite band is Why Don't We."
Jack- "WOW that's awesome!"
Jack tells you stuff about him.
Mylee- "Usually when I meet new people I'm always shy around them but I just started talking to you."
Jack- "Maybe were best friends?"
Mylee- "Yeah....maybe so."


This is my first story if you don't know! It might be horrible plz don't hate! Byeeeeeeeee❤️

Jack Dylan Grazer// Falling in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now