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Jack's POV-
I️ feel bad for breaking up with Mylee, but I️ can't be with a cheater. Jillian told me that Mylee is cheating on me with Mason. I️ trust Jillian, but I️ don't know why....

No ones POV-
Mylee walks in the class room looking new and fresh. The teacher said that they could have a free day. They could talk and go on their phones. Mylee walked over to Katie and Ashley to talk. Jack wanted to ask her if she was dating Mason but didn't have the guts so he just sat at his desk the whole time.

*time skip to after lunch*(jack didn't sit by Mylee,Katie, and Ashley. Mylee didn't eat lunch either)

No ones POV-
Everyone walked into Mr. Davis room.
Mr. Davis-" how is Mack doing?"
Mylee-"were not together" Mylee crosses her arms.
Mr. Davis-"what happened?"
Mylee-"idk ask jack"
Jack-" Jillian told me that Mylee was cheating on me with Mason"
Mylee and Mason-" WHAT EWW NO!"
Jesse- "I️m Jillian's cousin and if I️ were you I️ wouldn't believe her"
Mr.Davis-"ohhhh you messed up boi!"
Jack looked over at Mylee and Mylee rolled her eyes.

Jack's POV-
Wow I️ messed up big time..... Jillian is a liar!


Woah Jack! You messed up!

Chao Chao Chickees❤️

Jack Dylan Grazer// Falling in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now