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No ones POV-
Jack-"would you like to be my girlfriend?"
Mylee-" OF COURSE!"
Mylee and Jack hugged and then looked into each others eyes. It felt like a magnet was pulling them closer and then Jack kissed Mylee.  Mylee kisses back. They let go of the kiss when a bright flash was in their faces.
Katie and Caleb-" the ship had sailed!!!"
Jack and Mylee blushed and Katie took another photo!
Katie-" I️m getting these printed tomorrow!"
Caleb-" and I'll make a poster that says #Mack (Mylee and Jack) that we can put the pictures on!!"
Katie squealed and Caleb tried to calm her down by holding her hand and skating with her but she was exploding with happiness!

Jack's POV-
I️ did it! Mylee is my girlfriend now! Me and her held hands and skated around for a while. I️ kept looking at her beautiful face. She saw me staring.....
Mylee-"stoppp I️m ugly!"
Me-"your beautiful just the way you are"
Mylee-" awww your making me blush"
Me-" good cause you look beautiful when you blush!"
Mylee did look really adorable right now so I️ went in for another kiss. I️ leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back. It felt like fireworks were going off inside me! We let go of our kiss and held hands as we skated towards Katie and Caleb.


My blushing is going hard right now!

Chao Chao Chickees ❤️

Jack Dylan Grazer// Falling in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now