Heyz. This is the Lilly-Dee entity. Just so you know, the blonde in the photo is Ash. Omagine her hair is red please.
3 years earlier
"Hey, you!" Ash looked around. The screaming girl said, "YES; YOU DORK, COME OVER HERE...LIKE NOW!"
Ash closed the book she had been reading, stood up and walked over to the group of girls that were looking at her. This was the problem Ash had with going to these study places for people taking their GCSE's, other exams or simply doing homework. She looked at the girl who had called her over, she was probably only in there to find some kid to do her homework for her,
"Why are you here? This place is for people who are in year 11 or above... not stupid little girls!" the girl said angrily. Ash stared at her feet and mumbled something.
So again the girl said, "TELL ME HOW YOU GOT IN!!"
Ash started to speak again "I-I-I am in year 11". The girls sitting at the table all turned to look at her and burst out laughing.
Once again the girl spoke out, still laughing,"And I’m Bugs Bunny! If you’re in year 11, then how come I’ve never seen you before in my life? It’s not like this place is exactly big. So if you are in year 11 I want proof" she turned to look at the girls sitting at the table and one of them murmured something in her ear, "I want your name, age AND school ...Now!"
This time Ash spoke with more confidence, "My name is Ashakandra Racer, I’m 13 and I go to A.S.H.G."
"And what the bloody hell is ASHG? You liar! I know this place like the back of my hand."
Ash was starting to get annoyed now "A.S.H.G. stands for Astraya's School for the Highly Gifted, not many know of it and very few attend it. It’s like a half-way school for kids that universities refuse to accept simply because they are too young further more I’m still only in year 11 because the university I wish to go to won't accept me till I’m 14 because of the major age difference plus I have been in year 11 for 2 years now so I’m pretty sure that means I have a higher rank than you at the moment!"
Ash's face was now bright red-almost the color of her best friend and twin sister Dee Racer's hair- and her usually grey-blue eyes were burning red with anger. The girls at the table were completely knocked of their high horse by this sudden outbreak so told Ash to get lost. When Dee entered the room only minutes after Ash left, she looked at the girls at the table. Ash had told what had happened, through her mind. The girls looked at her beadily as she settled down to the book, Pride and Prejudice. Again.
Back Again [On Hold]
AléatoireAsh and Dee are seventeen year old twins. They can mind-link and are at university. Only, someone isn't too pleased about it.