Don't Be Afraid - Patrick Stump

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Serenity Campbell, witty, pretty and the one and only sass queen.

High school - the place people spend most their time wishing they were somewhere else.

Add four boys to the equation one of whom could have the potential to break her heart.

Not to mention when her past plans to head butt her future into the next millennia.

For Tia, 'tis going to be an interesting year.

A/N: I know what you're thinking. What an author's note? Already?!?! Well, yeah. Hello people of the internet, I just want to say welcome to my fanfic and be prepared to enter into a world of fandoms so if you're not ready for that just yet it's okay, I understand. *Pats back* I'll be here, waiting.

-Also, it is NOT cool for you to COPY, CLAIM TO BE THE AUTHOR, TAKE EVEN A LITTLE PIECE OF THIS STORY...EVER. I also have this on Quotev so it is also copyrighted and MINE! Kay? Glad we got over that. Right, enjoy!!!

Don't Be Afraid - Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now