Chapter Three - Tuesday

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Chapter Three - Tuesday


High school: The definition of plain weird.


I woke up at five past seven. Which wouldn’t be a problem except for the fact that I only had twenty five minutes before school starts, minus the ten minutes it take to get to school and the five minutes at my locker. I realistically had five minutes to change and eat breakfast. So I skipped breakfast.

I picked out some shorts and a baggy top and ran outside. The bus was gone. Swell.

 I ran back to get my penny and decided to skate to school.


At least I didn’t get run over.


    What did happen was I fell and cut my knee. Yay. I didn’t have anything to mop up the blood so I entered the school with dried red goo sticking to the side of my leg along with gravel buried deeply in random places. But like I said, didn’t get run over.

    I slammed my locker door shut and blew my hair that hung limply out of my face. I hugged my English Lit. Books to my chest and scurried down the hallway.


“SERENITY!” Oh no.




I pretended that I couldn’t hear and started looking at the door numbers on my right. Maisie stopped in front of me, holding her hand out and clutching her side. She was wearing a t-shirt, hoodie and leggings with uggs. Okay…now I’m officially confused.     Yesterday this girl was wearing a low-neck (as in low half-way down your breast low) and a mini skirt, with heels as tall as Everest. What?

    “Uh, hey Maisie.” I said, I could feel my eyes grow wide and my eyebrows arch slightly.

“Tia! I am so very sorry you had to see me like I was yesterday! Please let me explain!” her voice was urgent and pleading. I checked my watch, a minute to get to class. “Okay…” She took a deep breath before rambling on.

“I was on Paxilidon for my anxiety. You know the drug?” I didn’t but I nodded. “Well, I’ve been on it for three weeks now and it turned out that one of the side effects was me acting as if I was high.” She whispered the word like it was a curse. “My parents left for a conference yesterday and thought it would’ve worn off by then – but they were wrong –” she paused as if to let the information sink in “All I remember yesterday was tripping you over and some extremely disturbing thoughts that involved Jack Wilson and Kian Ryan –” she zoned out for a bit “and I understand if you don’t want to talk to me but I truly am sorry!” Maisie had said this all in less than three breaths, but she looked so sincere it was hard not to forgive her. I understood how terrible drug side effects could be – long story.

The bell rang and it turned out we both had English. She motioned me to follow her and we started to chat about fruit. “You know – apples are so smooth! But they’re not as nice as bananas, bananas are divine.” she exclaimed, viewing her granny smith at different angles.

“You have no idea how dirty that sounds.” I said shaking my head and trying to supress my laughter. Her mouth dropped once she realised what she had said. “Oh shit! Ugh!”

I laughed at her reaction but something was nagging at the back of my mind. “Maisie,” She looked at me. “Did you mean what you said about Patrick? You were kind of out of it. You know the whole “He’ll crush and break your heart” thing?”

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