Preference #1 - He is slightly annoyed with you - Austin

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A loud slam of a door woke you up from your nap early in the evening. After a busy afternoon outside, you had become too tired to amount to anything productive upon your return home. Austin worked a busy job, so you were used to him coming in late. You stretched, sitting up in the warm bed.

"Austin? Is that you?" You called, still drowsy. You heard all sorts of sounds coming from downstairs but did not want to get out of bed without knowing who was in the house. For all you knew, it could be a manager or person of staff and you could go back to your own business. Finally, after the opening and closing of a couple more doors, you heard footsteps on the stairs.

"Austin?" You repeated, louder this time. The answer was the bedroom door suddenly opening.

"What did you do? Y/N, look at this," he was holding a skateboard in his hands, his brown eyes filled with disbelief as he looked at you.

"Good evening to you too...?" You frowned, not understanding what the fuss was about.

"No, look at this," he sat down on the bed, pushing the skateboard in your hands.

"Austin, I literally just woke up, what's the ma-"

"What's the matter?" He interrupted. "Did you use it today?" He was still looking at you in disbelief.

"Well, yes, I had a busy day today so I took it with me to get places, besides I had planned to meet up with some friends in the skatepark, but it rai-"

"It rained? Yes, it rained! And yet you rode it?" At this point, him interrupting you and treating you as if you were stupid started pissing you off.

"Yes! Can you get to the point? I don't see anything wrong with it."

"This is my favourite skateboard and now you fucked up the bearings by riding it in the soaking rain," he looked down at his skateboard sadly and you immediately felt guilty.

"I thought you could do that... Without consequences... I didn't know..."

"I told you like ten times," he said, looking up. "Do you have something against me skating or liking things or?" His tone was becoming defensive. Carefully, you reached out to his face, stroking his cheeks and soft blond hair.

"I'm really sorry, that was stupid of me. I forgot. I can buy you new bearings," you tried to smile apologetically but pouted once you saw the sad look on his face. He sighed, putting the skateboard down and scooting closer to you on the bed.

"It's not only about that, Y/N. Boarding with bad bearings is dangerous, you could have hurt yourself," he cupped your face in his hands. "And I don't want you to get hurt."

"But I'm here without a scratch!" You protested, starting to grin proudly. He chuckled.

"Never do that again, promise?" He smiled before giving you a kiss on the nose.

"I promise," you replied, smiling as you pressed a kiss to his lips.

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