Preference #2 - Your First Kiss - Edwin

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As proposed by kameliasdream on Tumblr:  Hey could you please write an imagine for edwin's first kiss with y/n? Like he met her through austin and he felt a connection towards her and they bake together? The boys call them lovebirds even when they only flirt and he hasn't made an actual move on her. I would like it to be really cute and sweet when he then takes her on a walk and asks her to be his GF and kisses her and they come home holding hands. Thank you!


"Yo, Y/N," Austin looked over at you from across the table. It was Saturday afternoon and you had both been breaking your head over annoying school stuff. Even though Austin did not have to attend school anymore, he had promised to help you get through your exams, seeing as he was your best friend. However, things turned out to be more difficult than they had looked at first glance. 

"I know what you're going to say," you chuckled, looking back at Austin. "My brain is fried, too. Have I ever told you how much I hate all these subjects?" You sighed, pushing the chemistry book away from you. 

"Yes, you have," Austin smiled, closing the book you had just pushed away. "But you can do this!" 

"Easy for you to say," you rolled your eyes at him. "You don't have to go through this torture anymore..." You groaned thinking about the upcoming period. 

"Do you even have a social life anymore?" Austin suddenly asked. "I mean, I think you have been studying so much for the past couple weeks that half the people think you've disappeared from the earth's surface," you frowned but leaned over slightly to playfully push him as you saw how he attempted to control his laughter.

"That's not true, silly," you laughed. "The thing is just that these exams are important and..." 

"There's truth in it though, Y/N," Austin cut you off. "The boys were asking what happened to you." 

"Nothing happened to me," you answered, slightly offended. "Besides, I'm pretty sure they couldn't really care less, last time I went there all they did was make me feel super uncomfortable..." you paused, narrowing your eyes at him. "As did you!"

"We're just playing around Y/N, don't take it so seriously. How about we abandon this mess and head over to the crib?" He smiled hopefully as you looked down at the work in front of you. "You can't spend every minute of your time studying, that's not healthy."

You thought about what Austin said, and came to the conclusion that he was right. You could not even remember the last time you had done something fun. Besides, it would be a great opportunity to see Edwin again. The boys' jokes aside, last time you saw him, you really felt like you connected with him. From the first time you met him, you felt like you could have very interesting as well as funny conversations with him, but last time he really made you feel as if he understood you in a way no one else did. Not even Austin, and he had been your best friend since you were half the size you were now. 

"Edwin would like it," Austin added, smirking. 

"I don't have a crush on Edwin," you shot back at him angrily. "You're just jealous because you're afraid he will become my best friend instead of you."

"I am not 12, Y/N. There's no need to be so defensive."

"I don't have a crush on Edwin," you repeated, not knowing who you were trying to convince. 

"You do. Remember last time? You were all like, oh Ed your outfit looks so good and then he was like oh Y/N you look beautiful and he winked at you and I swear you blushed for like two weeks. But it's alright, we don't have to talk about this. I just hope you're being honest with yourself," the sincerity in his voice made you give in. 

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