Preference #1 - He is slightly annoyed with you - Brandon

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It was a sunny Wednesday afternoon when you decided to clear your room of old memories. Your boyfriend of 6 months, Brandon, was hanging out with his friends, and you had no idea when he would return home, so you figured you would finally have enough time to sort everything out.

Postcards, letters and photographs from years ago were scattered all over the floor, as well as gifts you had once received from friends who wouldn't recognize you today.

It seemed like a lifetime had passed, even though some of these items were no older than two years. So much had changed since then. In these two years, you had moved around the country several times, made friends, lost friends, had experienced love and loss, learnt to accept and let go, as well as move on.

You smiled thinking about being in a much better place now than ever before. You were feeling more confident with yourself and finally found yourself in a relationship you were not even looking for. It came to the both of you naturally, without forced intentions or specific requirements either of you might have been missing in yourselves. It was a pure connection, fueled by a similar sense of humour, passion for fashion and music, interesting conversations and a lot of fun activities while you weren't even together yet.

Slowly, but surely, you both had fallen for each other and in these six months, very rarely had your relationship experienced hardship. You smiled again. With Brandon, everything just felt great.

Going through the pictures on the floor, you chuckled finding an old photo of you and your ex, Sebastian. You had been together for two when you both decided a relationship just wasn't working, and had remained good friends after breaking up about two and a half years ago. You smiled again, thinking how different you were now with Brandon, compared to how relatively unhappy you were at the time you were dating Sebastian. However, you decided to take a picture of the photo and send it over to him, seeing as you still had contact every now and then.

You were so preoccupied with this process that you hadn't heard Brandon enter the room. He was standing in the door opening, looking at you in confusion. He saw you, sitting on the floor, smiling, while looking at a picture of you with your ex.

"Y/N...?" He finally called weakly, after watching you for as long as he could bear.

You looked up, surprised, and initially smiled when seeing him.

"Hey! Brandon! You're home!" You got up, intending to go and hug him, but you frowned when seeing the hurt look on his face. "What's the matter, baby? Did something happen?"

He shook his head. "Y/N, why are you looking of pictures with Sebastian..."

You chuckled, underestimating the magnitude of his sadness. "Are you jealous?" You cooed.

Obviously, this was the wrong thing to say. Brandon looked up at you, with a mix of surprise, sadness and anger, then proceeded to leave the room.

"Brandon?" You called, confused by his actions. "Come on, I was only joking..."

You followed him all the way to your living room, where he sat down on the couch with his arms crossed over his chest. He stared out of the window, noticeably upset. You sat down beside him and tugged on his arm.

"We can't make this situation any better if you don't talk to me," you pouted. His head snapped in your direction, seemingly angry now.

"I would have, but you're just mocking me here," he shook his head, looking away again.

"Brandon, I'm sorry," you tried stroking his arm, but he pulled it away.  "I didn't realise it was such a big deal..."

"Not a big deal?" He chuckled sarcastically.

"Look at me please," you begged, and eventually he complied.

"It is a big deal when I find you smiling at photos with Sebastian like that. If you were so happy with him then why are you with me?"

"I want to be with you, Brandon, what are you saying?" You frowned.

"Why must you still talk to him if he's nothing but your ex? Why do you feel the need to keep contact if you're not romantically interested in him anymore?" He looked at you with widened eyes and you realised he had been struggling with this situation for a longer time. Today had just been the final straw.

"Okay, listen," you sighed. "I accept that I am in an extraordinary situation. I know it is almost the norm to hate an ex after a break up, and cut off contact completely, but our breakup wasn't hostile..."

"That's exactly the problem," he growled.

"No, it is a positive thing, if you ask me. We broke up because we did not function properly as a couple. We both realised and accepted it wouldn't work out romantically. How is that not better than having to get over someone?" You grabbed his hand. "We broke up more than two years ago, Brandon. We want to be friends. I want to have a relationship with you," you squeezed his hand softly.

"I'm sorry," he sighed. "I just don't want to lose you... And the way I found you like that made me insecure."

"I never meant for you to feel that way," you crawled in his lap, pouting, as he wrapped his arms around your waist. "I love you so much. I feel it and I actively choose for this relationship because I feel like this just works between us," you nuzzled your face in his neck.

"I love you, too" he finally smiled. "More than you know..."

You looked up. "Show me," you smiled as he cupped your cheeks and kissed you lovingly while you had your hands in his hair.

"I love you," he said, out of breath, after pulling away after a while. "So much," he smiled and leaned in for another kiss, leaving the situation in the past, along with the items you found in your room that day.

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