Preference #2 - Your first kiss - Brandon

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"It's ridiculous, Y/N," Brandon shook his head as his hands tightened around the steering wheel of his car. It was Saturday evening and you had a date with one of the most popular guys in town. It seemed like a dream. A guy like him had his eyes on you. In your opinion, you weren't much special. Before he had asked you out, you were too focused on different things to even consider being in love with anyone. You had felt excitement when you were asked, but it had faded away upon telling your best friend, Brandon.

"Guess what just happened!" You had exclaimed, bursting into his room. He had looked at you confused, but with the softest smile.

"I don't know, but I haven't seen you this happy in a long while," he had stood up from his desk chair, approaching you to give you a hug. "I like seeing you happy," he had smiled wider, pulling you against him.

"Alright, so, you know Vince, the quarterback in the local football club?" as you spoke, you had felt Brandon's body distancing from you. He looked at you, frowning.

"Vincent Pryor?" He had asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, of course. Do you know another Vince?" You had chuckled, poking his chest, but all his muscles had felt tensed.

"What about him?"

"You're allowed to be a little more cheerful," you rolled your eyes. "Well, I've met him a couple of times in the past couple of months and today he asked me on a date!" you had grinned. Brandon, on the other hand, had had an ominous grimace on his face.

"That's great, Y/N," he had forced out, looking at the floor. "Listen, I have a lot of work, so..."

Brandon's words interrupted your thoughts of the day you had broke the news to him. It still hurt thinking back how he'd just sent you away and then not talked to you, until you had to ask him to drive you to the restaurant. There was simply no other option, something came up so that Vincent couldn't pick you up, and no other members of your family were available.

The car ride had started off very awkwardly. He barely said a word to you, barely even looked at you, while until a week earlier, he was your best friend.

"It is ridiculous I need to drive you to your date. He is supposed to pick you up," Brandon groaned, fixing his gaze upon the road in front of him. You sighed. You were meaning to avoid confrontation, but you thought the way he was behaving was incredibly unfair.

"You know what else is ridiculous?" you finally spoke, looking out of your window. "Your lack of support. Everyone has been so happy for me, but you, the guy that has been my best friend for years stopped talking to me, without any explanation. And then you go ahead and judge the way things are. It's not his fault something came up," you shook your head, feeling some relief after finally saying this.

Brandon's jaw clenched, his mouth shut tightly.

"Do you not want me to be happy? Is that it?" You added bitterly. Brandon, in turn, slammed the brakes in anger and pulled over.

"Do you not think I want the best for you?!" He looked over at you angrily, shutting off the engine as he parked at a desolate shopping center.

"It sure as hell doesn't seem like it, Brandon," you threw back, turning away from him. "You fucking told me to leave when I broke the news, proceeded to ignore my texts and calls and never even called back."

Brandon rolled his eyes. "Y/N, I wanted you to figure this out for yourself."

"What exactly, Brandon? That you're a first class asshole?" You unbuckled your seat belt, extremely annoyed at this point. "Well, I have indeed figured that out," you opened the car door, but Brandon forcefully pulled you back.

"Y/N. Vincent Pryor is bad news. He really is," he loosened his grip and looked down. You frowned, your anger turning into confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

"Y/N, I shouldn't be the one telling you this," he looked up at you, his eyes large with sadness.

"Well, I prefer that over your horrible behaviour towards me. You're my best friend, act like it."

He softly patted your hand, sighing. "He... He has a really bad reputation."

"Brandon, come on," you groaned, angry again. "All this drama because of a reputation? Do better."

"Hear me out, Y/N... He goes on dates all the time. I know you want to believe that he thinks your special, but he is a terrible person. He gets a kick out of taking virginities. He'll do all these cute things to make you feel special just to get in your pants. And when he gets what he wants, he'll dump you and find a new victim," he looked away as you furrowed your eyebrows in disbelief.

"Stop talking shit, Brandon. How do you even know that?"

"I was told by a family member who had it happen to her best friend. Don't hit me with the criticism on how not to trust everything I hear. This girl ended up in a mental ward because he messed her up real bad," looking at him, you realised he looked sadder than you had ever seen him before.

"Why did you hide this from me then? If it's true? Now I just feel like you don't actually give a fuck about me," you felt a tear run down your cheek.

"I couldn't handle it, Y/N," he spoke, wiping away your tear. "You were so happy... I couldn't handle taking that away... Moreover, the thought of you with someone else was killing me," a blush crept upon his cheeks, but in the dark you were unable to see it.

"But something this serious, Brandon... I don't know what to think," you pulled back your hand from his.

"Have I ever lied to you?"

"No, but you hurt me, that's almost as bad."

He pouted. "That was never my intention. I just want you to be happy..."

You barely heard what he said anymore. Your thoughts were running wild. Vincent had always been nice and respectful towards you, and you almost couldn't picture him chasing you to fulfill his sick desires. However, Brandon was your best friend and he truly had never lied to you. But he had kept this information from you until tonight. If you hadn't called him, he wouldn't have told you. Keeping this in mind, you told Brandon to keep driving. You would see for yourself and form your own judgement.

The rest of the journey was silent.

Arriving in the city centre, Brandon parked the car and helped you out.

"Well, be careful, I guess," he said, keeping a distance. You nodded and turned around. He grabbed your arm, pulling you back. "Y/N, wait... I just want to make sure..." He slowly leaned in, pulling you closer. "... That the person you do this with..." he cupped your cheek, adding to your confusion. "... Actually cares about you," he closed his eyes.

Suddenly, you felt Brandon's soft lips collide with yours. He stroked your cheek as he softy kissed you, taking extreme care of you. Meanwhile, you felt a burning tension everywhere, falling for him on the spot, yet not realising what this feeling was. You kissed back eagerly, placing your hands on his chest as he tenderly rubbed your back with one hand, using his thumb to caress your cheek.

In what seemed like the blink of an eye, it was over. He pulled back slowly, looking at you shyly. "I have the biggest crush on you," he confessed. "So, ditch this fuckboy and come back home with me?" He reached out his hand and you gratefully took it.

"Thank you..." Was all you managed to reply, the kiss having knocking you off your feet. A permanent smile fixed itself on your face as you drove away with Brandon, noticing an angry Vincent as you drove back. You chuckled realising that, as always, Brandon was honest and right. You grabbed his hand and pressed a kiss to it.

"You're my saviour," you smiled.

"I'm just glad you're with someone who actually cares about someone as special as you," he grinned, pulling back into the parking lot where you'd just argued. "You mean so much to me," he blushed.

"You mean so much to me too, Brandon. I'm sorry I hurt you..."

"Don't mention it, Y/N..." he moved closer again, pressing another soft kiss to your lips.

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