Chapter 2

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Ava's POV
Ashleigh in mm
My baby girl just woke up from her little nap so we're just chilling in the house all alone this is how it's been since Ashleigh was born us just being in the house all by ourselves I decided to take her to a park that's not far from the house so I was going to get my exercise by walking there, I put little A (that's her nickname from me) on a little dress the only thing I don't like is doing her hair you would think that if she have good hair like her mommy she would be so tender headed and wouldn't be still but we're doing it Ashleigh's way for her to only be three months she has a good amount of hair. I did her hair in two little puff balls and put a gold ribbon and a pink ribbon in her hair after I had her situated I put her in a play pin and turned on Bubble Guppies that's the only show she would be quite and watch but she's quite so let her be, I left out of her room and went in mine to get ready myself I put on something simple which is just some sweat pants with a black shirt that had love going across I put my hair in a messy bun put my black huaraches on I grabbed my phone and went in little A's room grabbed her Minnie Mouse stroller I set it up picked up little A and placed her in the stroller and left.
At the park
We finally arrived at the I wanted Ashleigh to have some fun so I sat on the swing putting Ashleigh on my lap swinging back and forth with her I thought it was so cute that she was giggling so hard that I snapped a picture and posted it on Instagram it wasn't long before I hit three hundred likes and one hundred comments some were comparing Ashleigh to August saying that's his twin but with my skin complexion I shook my head and turned my phone off and focused on baby girl. We continued on the swings until it started to get late I put Ashleigh in her stroller and made sure I had her blanket and everything else and started my walk back home with little A.

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