Chapter 32

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Arri, Ava, August, Ashleigh, Abrielle, and Trey

Abrielle POV
The girls come over today and I'm excited but I know they're not. August upstairs taking a shower he told me to just let the girls in when they get here, so I'm just waiting  on them
10 minutes later
I seen Ava's car pull up I don't know why but I get nervous when I'm around Ava, I peeked through the blinds to see her getting Arriana and Ashleigh out the backseat with the help of her boyfriend. She walked to the door about to knock but I opened the door
She smiled, I can tell it was fake
"Hi, is August home."
"Umm yeah he's just in the shower right now you need him?"
She shook her head
"No I just didn't want to leave them here with you, not being rude or any"
"Mommy I wanna see dada"
"Miss Abrielle said he's in the shower right now baby"
Ashleigh frowned crossing her arms
She's so cute but have a attitude, see it's just Ashleigh Arriana's only one so she don't really understand
"Okay I' have to go"
She bent down to Ashleigh and Arriana's level
"Be good for daddy and miss Abrielle okay"
She kissed their foreheads and left, when she was gone I closed the door and seen them both looking at me with mean mugs
"Soo what you girls want to do?"
"I want my dada!"
"Ashleigh make me whoop ya lil ass"
August came downstairs looking at Ashleigh
Arriana ran up to August hugging his legs
"Wassup babygirl"
He picked her up kissing all over her face while she giggled, Ashleigh was sniffing
"I want my mommy!"
She stomped around throwing a fit, August picked her up taking her upstairs it's nothing new to us anymore she does this all the time poor Ashleigh.

August POV
After whooping Ashleigh's little ass she was still hollering
"Girl don't come out until I ya to"
I closed her bedroom door going in me and Brie's room calling Ava, it rung a few times until she answered
"Hello August"
"Ya daughter just got her ass whooped"
"Don't be hitting my babies but what she do?"
"Acting a damn fool screaming 'I want my mommy' and stomping around doing allat extra shit"
She sighed
"Let me talk to her"
I got up going to her room only to see her throwing around her coloring books
"Didn't I tell you to go to sleep"
She crossed her arms
"Hea ya mama on the phone"
She smiled and snatched my phone out my hand, this child hea

Ava's POV
"Hi mommy!"
"Hi Ashleigh, what's wrong with you?"
"I want to go home with you and T"
Instead of calling him Trey they call him T
"Ashleigh don't you want to stay with daddy and miss Abrielle?"
She started crying, I sighed
"Hey cut that out Marié I'm coming to get you"
She sniffed
"Now give the phone to your daddy"
"I'm coming to get her but you can keep Arri if you want"
"Aight I'll get her stuff ready and yeah I'll keep Arri"
I hung up, I don't know what's going on with Ashleigh.

Abrielle POV
About twenty minutes later I heard a knock on the door I went to go see who it was and it was Ava, I opened the door and smiled
"Hi, where's Ashleigh?"
"Right here mommy!"
She ran to Ava and Ava picked her up
Arriana came running to Ava too, I noticed August coming downstairs with Ashleigh's things
"Hea go ha stuff"
He gave it to Ava so she could put it on her shoulder
"Okay Ashleigh tell miss Abrielle, daddy, and Arriana bye bye"
"Bye bye"
She wasn't looking at me it was most likely towards her dad and sister
"I go to?"
August picked Arriana up
"No baby girl you stay with dada"
"Okay! Bye mama"
She laughed
" bye Arriana"
They left and I closed the door well this weekend should go smoothly.

Trey POV
I get home from rehearsal and Ava's car is here, I walked up the driveway to the door and opened it only to see Ava doing Ashleigh's hair. I walked in the living room with them
"Babe stop! You know she don't stay still when I do her hair"
I kissed her
"I'm sorry baby but I thought they were going to August house this weekend"
"Long story but Ash wanted to come back and Arri stayed"
I nodded and got up from the couch
"Where you going?"
"To shower"
She went back to doing Ash hair
Twenty minutes later
I get out and Ash was in our bed watching tv
"Ash what are you doing"
I chuckled
I climbed in bed next to her and joined her watching tv, Ash laid on my chest and the next five minutes she was sleep and I went to sleep with her on my chest.

Ava's POV
I went in our room
I noticed Ash and Trey was sleep while she was laying on his chest it was sooo cute I had to take a picture, I wasn't going to post it though because August would have a fit and I don't have time for him. I went downstairs to get my keys and left to get my nails done.

August POV
"I want Ash dada"
It was time for Arri's nap time and she's crying for Ashleigh
"Ash with mama Arri"
I rocked her and she continued to cry
Brie came downstairs
"Let me see her"
I handed Arri to Brie and she went to sleep
"How da hell"
She laughed
"Well I'm going to get my nails done so I'll be back"
"You need money?"
"No I have my own"
I kissed her then she left, I carried Arri to her room and laid her down in her bed. Now that Ash not here I miss my little baby.

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