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Ava's POV
Ashleigh in mm
Next week
So today's the day of my interview on weather I become a journalist or not, I was getting Ashleigh's things together to go over my aunt Isabella's house I was pacing back and forth because this is going to be my first time in a while being away from little A. I finally got everything together even her stroller because my aunt said she'll need it, I put Ashleigh in her car seat I made sure to grab her Minnie Mouse diaper bag. Yes Ashleigh's room is nothing but Minnie Mouse I thought it would be a cute theme, I walked outside with everything and put everything in my car after I made sure little A was buckled in the right way and drove off towards my aunt Bella's house.
Aunt Bella's house
I arrived at my aunts house I got little A out and her things I walked towards the door about to knock until the door swung open
"Awww my little sweetheart"
She cooed at little A but I guess she wasn't feeling it because she started to cry
"Your auntie scared you aww it's ok"
My auntie looked at her shaking her head
"She spoiled"
"I know she's a mommies girl"
"Don't you have interview to get to bye child"
I laughed
"Bye auntie bye little A"
I basically got kicked out the house, I walked back to my car and drove off towards my interview.

August POV
I was at dis little interview place because they called me at the last damn minute talking about some chick applied to interview celebrities of all celebrities they choose me, Sneak was here with me to keep a nigga entertained he a clown. Some chick came in here looking good as hell damn she pretty as fuck,
"Yung dats dat girl I was telling you about with dat baby"
"I don't have no kids Sneak"
I grew irritated with this whole conversation
My manager called me over where he was talking to ole girl
"August this is Ava this is August"
She looked like she seen a damn ghost
"Wassup ma"
I reached my hand out so she could shake it
"Hi I'm Ava"
She shook my hand with a small smile
Someone told Ava that she was interviewing me to see how good she was as a journalist after he gave her the instructions on what to do we began our interview

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