0.8 - good girl

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7:50 AM

"Sir, you need to put your seat in the upright position before the plane takes off." The flight attendant commanded.

"I have back problems." Luke tried, knowing that the flight attendant wouldn't care.

"You only have to keep the seat up for a little while, then you can lean back again." The flight attendant attempted again to get Luke to cooperate, but it was no use.

"I get air sick?" Luke looked up at her hopefully, thinking that maybe she would notice who he was and let him off the hook.

"We aren't going to be able to take off until you put your seat up. You're holding everything up, Sir." The woman said, and Skylar groaned next to him. She reached over and pressed the button on Luke's side of the armrest, sending him flying forward.

"Thank you." The flight attendant nodded to Skylar, who just smiled in response.

"Are you always such a good girl?" Luke asked Skylar once the woman was gone.

"I'm not a good girl." She shook her head, her lips curling up just slightly at the sides.

"First you refuse my offer to take away your virginity, then you listen to every word the flight attendant says, what's next?" Luke asked, glaring at her.

"Refusing to let a perfect stranger take my virginity is not called being a good girl, it's called common sense!" Skylar spoke up, her face becoming red with anger.

"Aw, you think I'm perfect?" Luke cooed. He reached out as if he was going to touch Skylar's face, but she slapped his hand away from her.

"I definitely do not think you're perfect. You're far from it, actually." She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Damn. What happened to you? What's the reason why such a pretty girl has such an ugly attitude?" Luke asked, shifting in his seat once more so he was facing Skylar. She really was pretty, he wasn't even going to deny that.

"You could say the same thing for yourself." She said, letting out a forced laugh. Luke smiled, remembering how just a little while earlier she had refused to talk to him at all.

"Oh, so you do think I'm pretty?" He laughed.

"I never said that." Skylar's body tensed up again, just like it had more than once this morning.

The plane began to rumble underneath them, letting the pair know that it was about to take off. Skylar flinched and grabbed onto Luke's hand that had been resting on the armrest between them. She wiggled her fingers in between Luke's, seeming not to care at that moment who she was holding hands with.

Her touch sent an unfamiliar jolt up Luke's body. It wasn't like anything that he had felt before, it was so rare that Luke actually sat and held hands with someone. And he knew that Skylar was probably just holding onto him because she was scared of flying, but when she grabbed onto Luke's hand he felt a change in his former thoughts about her. Maybe for better, maybe for worse.

"Hey, are you okay?" Luke asked quietly, leaning down to look Skylar in the eye.

"Oh, I'm fine." Skylar said, sounding panicked. She tried to let go of Luke's hand but he refused and wrapped his own fingers around hers, not ready to let her go just yet. "I just get nervous when flying."

"Is this your first time flying?" Luke asked. He's flown in a plane probably a thousand times, he never once took a step back to think that it may be Skylar's first time flying.

"No, no. I fly back and forth from Australia a lot." She answered softly, letting out a sigh.

"Why is that?" Luke questioned. He wondered why someone would want to travel to Australia all the time. Growing up there, Luke knew that it wasn't that exciting.

"Well my parents are divorced and I live here in L.A with my dad while my mom - my mom lives in Sydney." She explained, still clutching onto Luke's hand as the plane climbed higher and higher through the air.

Luke felt good about himself for letting her hold his hand, he was probably distracting her from how nervous she was. The boys had to do that with Michael the first time they ever flew somewhere together, since it was his first time going on a plane at all. They didn't hold his hand, but they distracted him from what was going on around them. That's all Skylar needed, a distraction.

"Have they been divorced for long? Why does your mom live all the way in Sydney?" Luke asked. He was suddenly interested in getting to know this girl more, even though just moments before they were arguing with each other. He wanted more from her than just a nice fuck in the plane bathroom now.

"Uh, about three years." Skylar said. She brought her one free hand up to her mouth and began chewing at her nails, which were already bitten down to nubs. "My mom was born there so she moved back for a while."

"A while?" Luke asked, eyebrows raised.

Skylar ignored him.

"How long are you staying in Sydney for?" Luke wondered, changing the subject a little. He lived in Sydney, maybe they would run into each other while Luke was there.

"It really all depends." Skylar whispered.

"Depends on what?" Luke asked, but Skylar didn't answer him. She just closed her eyes, shutting him out.

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