1.2 - thoughts

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11:15 AM

Luke paced back and forth in front of the bathroom mirror for probably the hundredth time, still thinking about Skylar. He had listened to her when she told him to leave her alone, even though it pained him to do so. Luke was getting anxious now and he wanted to go back, to find Skylar and...and... Luke didn't even know what he wanted to do with her anymore.

Luke's first impression of Skylar had been that she looked like she would have been a good fuck, someone nice to mess around with, but now everything was different. When she fell asleep on his shoulder while they were flying, Luke noticed something in her that he hadn't noticed in any girl ever before.

He noticed how her eyes fluttered while she was asleep and how her hair fell in front of her face and the way her lips would slightly part open while she breathed in or out. Luke noticed the way that she kept her fingers tightly laced with his and he loved the feeling that she gave him whenever they touched. He wasn't used to noticing these things in girls, he wasn't used to noticing anything other than how big their boobs were or how - sexually - experienced they looked.

And Luke had loved every second that he spent with Skylar in the coffee shop, even though it should have been seen as creepy when she admitted to Googling him. Luke didn't even care about that. He loved the way Skylar asked him about his band instead of the types of drugs he had done in the past or how many girls in total he had slept with. He wanted to ask her questions and get to know her, what was really inside of her.

Luke knew that previously he had expressed his want to take Skylar's virginity, and truly he still did want that. He just wanted so much more as well. He wanted to know the little things, like her favorite movies or songs or foods. He wanted to notice the little things as well, all of her quirks and nervous habits. And he honestly didn't know why he felt this way, he had known this girl for around six hours and she was already consuming every in and aspect of his brain.

Luke finally stopped moving and turned so he was facing the mirror. He gripped the sides of the sink until his knuckles turned white and looked at his reflection, his blue eyes staring back at him. He blinked slowly, having done this very same thing twice already since he came in here.

Luke didn't know what else to do, so he had been hiding out in the men's bathroom for almost an hour. He didn't want to go outside because Skylar might be there, and he knew that she wouldn't want to see Luke. He couldn't hide in here for the next 24 hours, but he was too scared to leave.

He just wanted to know why, mostly. Why it was so important to her that she got to Australia as soon as possible. Before Luke had thought that he actually wanted to get home more than her, but now he wasn't so sure that was the case. Seeing Skylar almost start crying at the fact that they couldn't catch a flight until the next morning made him realize that there was some bigger reason for her wanting to get there so soon.

After staring at himself for another few minutes Luke finally decided that he was going to go back outside. And if he happened to run into Skylar he would sit down and talk to her. If he didn't, well, he wouldn't sit and talk to her. Luke sighed, she wasn't that intimidating, she seemed like she was almost a foot shorter than him anyway. He could do this.

Luke exited the bathroom and immediately ended up in a small crowd of girls, who had apparently been waiting for him. He was honestly confused, he thought this town and airport was too small for anyone to even recognize who he was. But his name being shouted from all different directions told him differently, and he had suddenly started a small meet and greet outside the men's bathroom.

"Oh my God, Luke! Can we take a picture?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Can you sign my boobs?"

"Luke, let's take a picture!"

Luke gulped as he began signing things - including some boobs - and taking pictures with the girls. There was only about 25 girls there, but Luke was still a little overwhelmed. He was used to having the other three boys there with him while meeting fans, it was easier to divide and conquer that way. But Luke was on his own today, and he knew that none of the girls would leave until he was finished with everyone.

"So, uh, do a lot of you guys live here?" Luke asked all of the girls, just trying to make general conversation while he signed things for them.

What Luke gathered from their muffled response was that two or three of the girls were there before and then tweeted that they had seen Luke getting coffee earlier, and that's when more people decided to come. Wow, Luke thought, news travels fast.

"Do you guys know if there's anything to do around here? I'm kind of stuck in this town for a bit." Luke asked again in between taking a selfie on some girl's phone.

"There's literally nothing to do around here." One girl groaned, and Luke nodded. She must have actually been from this town, until most of the other girls that drove in from other places.

"But there's a car service from the airport that can take you into the downtown area, there's a few places to hang out there." Another girl answered. She looked about Luke's age, and if his thoughts hadn't been so consumed with Skylar and her whereabouts he probably would have given her his number for later that night.

"Is there a hotel anywhere near by? I really don't want to spend the night here." Luke chuckled. He took a piece of paper from a girl standing next to him and signed his name, using the signature that he had perfected over the past few years of being in the band.

"You can sleep at my house!" Someone suggested, making Luke laugh again.

"There might be a hotel, I don't know." Google it." Another girl giggled which caused everyone to erupt into more laughter.

"Alright, alright, I'll Google it. Are there, like, any places to get drunk in this town?" Luke laughed childishly as he took a few more pictures, and the girls around him simultaneously let out a squeal.

"There's - I think there's one club, right Alli?" The first girl turned to her friend, the one that Luke thought was hot.

"Only one, but it's pretty cool." The girl, Alli, nodded while sending a smirk to Luke.

Luke finished up talking and taking pictures with the fans quickly after that, now determined to find Skylar. And it wasn't so he could go take her to the club and get her drunk for the first time - he just knew it would be her first time - it was so he could apologize to her for making her so upset earlier. At least that's what he was planning to do.

Just as Luke was about to break away from the circle of girls formed around him, someone shouted something out that held him back.

"Hey Luke, who was that girl you were with earlier?"

Luke stood frozen for a second, trying to process the fact that the girls had seen him with Skylar. He turned in the direction that he thought he heard the question from before responding. Luke licked his lips, thinking up a quick lie in his head that he could tell the girls.

Luke lived for lies, to put it simply. He would lie about pretty much anything if it got him out of doing something he didn't want to do. Nothing was ever too major, Luke had enough common sense to know when a lie could hurt a person and never took it that far. He simply told little white lies to save him from being put into a situation that he didn't want to be in.

"Oh, her? She's just my - " And then Luke saw her, walking straight past him and obviously trying to ignore the fact that she could see him standing there. It was hard not to pay attention to a mob of girls surrounding a very tall blonde boy.

"Skylar!" Luke shouted, pushing past a few girls to break free. He ran towards Skylar, almost tripping on one of his untied shoelaces. Skylar stood extremely still while her eyes flicked back and forth from Luke to the pile of girls he was in a few minutes before, who were all taking pictures of the two.

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