Defend and Confide

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It was three minutes prior to the appointed meeting time with the Council.

Sarek had spent most of the past two days in meditation. He had long since reached a decision for what he would tell the Council- but the issue that was of a higher concern to him at the moment was telling Amanda about his looming Pon Farr, which he had still not formulated the correct words for. As much as he needed to concentrate on that, there was still the hearing that he must attend to. He had not forgotten the importance of it- but to him, it paled in comparison. He would rather lose his position as ambassador rather than experience early Pon Farr, but as he had no choice...

He waited alone in the antechamber; hands clasped behind his back, his posture as stiff and poised as ever. At any time, the double doors before him would be pulled open, and he would go before the Council. Vulcans did not experience nervousness...but what he was feeling was akin to that.

He did not know what they would say to him- or what decisions they may have already made. While this hearing was held to give him a chance to speak his part, he knew that it was only a formality. They had likely already reached a conclusion- or if they had not, then they were holding out only for his defense. They'd had plenty of time in the last eight days since they became aware of the editorial, to discuss it at length.

At the precise prearranged time, the doors swung open, and there came a deep, resonating voice from within the bowels of the chamber beyond.

"Ambassador Sarek, you may enter."

He stepped forward- the sounds of his boots against the marble floor echoing as he walked into the Council Chamber. He took his place before the raised platform, facing the elders seated above him- his fingers interlaced before him, as if in Human prayer.

"Once more, we have called you here to answer to your transgressions." the leader said.

Sarek was again aware of that sense of 'deja vu'. He did not reply to this statement, as it was quite obvious that he had once again erred.

"This time, it is not the questionable nature of your relations with a human, but the effect of said relationship on Vulcan and its people. We had been told, Ambassador, that you severed contact with the human, and were to bond with a Vulcan of high standing. We were uninformed that you continued your frivolous relations until this past week."

The accusation was delivered in a monotone, but Sarek could not escape the insult behind the seemingly innocuous words. He took a deep breath to calm himself. The relationship between himself and Amanda was hardly 'frivolous'- in fact, it was quite the opposite. Mentally, he cursed T'Pau for not informing the council of such. He spoke.

"When the plans for bonding with T'Para fell through, it was prudent to return to my preexisting relationship." Sarek replied. "The fact that you were uninformed was not due to my influence. T'Pau was aware of the situation, and I do not understand why she has not told you."

"Are you to bond with the human?" one of the elders asked, risen eyebrows the only indicator of emotion.

"I am."

Sarek wished he could blame his increasing frustration on the slow onset of Pon Farr, as it was irrational to be angered by this question. But he also knew that- for the moment at least- his biological changes were restricted to his currently over-sensitive sexual drive. It was not yet affecting his other functions, mental or otherwise. His frustration was his own.

"It is a relief to know that you have not endangered our image for an experiment, as was believed by many." the leader said. "Yet, this does not change the situation. You were careless, and marked your mate. As in the previous occasion where we met with you, there was photographic evidence of it. Humans would not understand our marking instinct. It is not unexpected that they interpreted it as they did."

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