Your not ready yet

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Now that they have made their decision, it was time to fully accept this. There was no going back now. This was it. After the females had fully woken up and were explained the whole situation, it was no surprise that they didn't believe any of the men what so ever. They wanted to prove it but you were asleep and they didn't want to disturb your slumber. After awhile, they still didn't understand and all of them went to find their own rooms and were lucky to find that each room had their name on it so they knew which one was theirs. How could they complain? All their beds were California king sized beds.

The next morning, you woke up and felt hungry and energized, as usual. You jumped out of bed and ran down the grand staircase and saw that the house was really different than when you last saw it. More hallways and more decor. You went to the kitchen and saw that only three of them were awake. Connor, Desmond and Bayek. You ran over to Desmond and tugged at his arm. He already knew what you wanted. He placed the already made bowl of cereal at the table and left so you could enjoy breakfast.

When you sat down and started enjoying breakfast, you saw that the men looked like they haven't slept at all last night. As it turns out, they were still wrapping their heads around this whole thing. It should be worth noting that they still have some distrust in one another. Especially the Templars. If they cause you any harm, any at all, it was agreed that they would be eliminated as soon as possible.

Of course they would do that without you seeing.

While you were eating, more of the men came downstairs and looked as if they hadn't slept at all either. It made you feel a bit sad but there was nothing you could do. You kept eating and heard the following conversation.

"So what now" asked Jacob.

"We move on. We keep our promise" said Bayek.

"Funny. I don't remember making any promises" Jacob said irritated.

"Like it or not, it's done. Our creed has become a joke. This is the only way to redeem ourselves" Desmond said.

"Really? Because, I see different ways to redeem ourselves other than this whole calamity" Jacob said with grinded teeth and a raised tone.

"Jacob! That's enough! Like it or not, this is how things have to be, so get used to it" Desmond said. You kept quiet since as you kept eating, you noticed that the rest of them came into view. The females saw you and started asking questions about you. You weren't paying attention but it made you feel upset since you knew they were talking about you. "That doesn't make any sense. How would that happen"!?

"Minerva is the one who gave her the heart. She also provided everything else" Altaïr said. The women looked over at you and it was Evie who walked up to you. You didn't know who she was and when she was getting closer to you, you lept from your seat and hid behind Connors leg. You didn't trust any of the women and only trusted the men alone. Even though Jacob was fuming right now, he regained enough of his composure to approach you and kneel down to your level. "That's my twin sister, Evie. She won't hurt you. She's always too inquisitive but shes not dangerous". You didn't even listen to his words and still held onto Connors leg.

"Come here, darling". Jacob carefully picked you up and he walked closer to Evie. You hid your face in his shoulder and he kept speaking. "Wow Evie, even children are afraid of you" he said with a smirk. Evie scoffed and replied by saying, "I'm only surprised you managed to keep her alive knowing how big of an imbecile you are".


Jacob turned away from Evie so she could see you. You took a small peek and saw her and the other women as well. You quickly buried your face again and felt Jacobs hand rub your back to soothe you. "As much as she is terrifying, she won't harm you".

She... is the Piece of Eden (Assassins Creed X Child! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now