First steps are never easy

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"I want to be like you guys"!

That sentence was on all of the minds of the Assassins. Of course it did cross their minds before but they weren't sure if it was a good idea. But when you brought it up again, they talked it over after you went to bed. Knowing how young you were, they couldn't do anything too overwhelming like learning how to shoot a pistol, use a sword or even touch a hidden blade. It was Desmond who suggested how to teach her basic stuff and still have it maintain being appropriate for someone your age.


It wasn't ideal but they had to understand they were dealing with someone who went through something traumatic and who was still very young to have naps. A few of them thought it was a bit ridiculous since they explicitly stated that something like this was not ideal. But they were still convinced otherwise.

Jacob and Evie said that they were trained from birth to be Assassins and even stated that these types of tactics were effective. Others chimed in as well and said that it would work. There were still some disagreements of you becoming an Assassin but could tell that even though you were young, you had your mind made up.

And nothing can change a childs mind.

The next morning, you weren't up yet and both Ezio and Desmond came into your room. It was a bit early. Desmond switched the light on and both men approached you. Desmond gently shook your shoulder and said, "(Y/n), wake up. Wake up". You groaned and snuggled into your blankets but Desmond kept at it. "Come on, I know your tired but you need to wake up".

You groaned again and threw your blanket over your head. Ezio gently pushed Desmond aside and decided he would try to wake you up. "Come now dolce (sweet one). We're waiting for you". You still groaned and still didn't budge. Ezio took the blankets and threw them off the bed. You groaned again and said, "But I'm tired".

"I know" said Desmond, " But it's time for your training to begin". Your ears perked up at the mentioning of this. It was time to learn to be an Assassin. You jumped out of bed and ran past Ezio and Desmond to run downstairs. The others were waiting for you. Some were still finishing breakfast but they were all still conversing about the first steps you should take to become an Assassin. Without missing a beat, you quickly ate your breakfast and awaited to what the first lesson was. Haytham and Shay were still very uneasy about this whole thing.

"Ok ok ok, whats first"!

"Calm yourself. We're going now" Connor said assuredly. They all stood up and had you follow them outside. It was the first time you were outside and seeing the true beauty outside the lavish home. A nearby lake with plenty of cliff edges, tons and tons of trees, lots of big boulders and obvious wildlife.

Bayek took a gentle hold of your shoulder and said, "Listen little one, this will be the hardest thing to accomplish. It will be agonizing and relentless. You must learn to be invisible while being visible, you must learn to disappear in a split second and you must learn how to fight. But most importantly" Bayek got down on his knee to be at your eye level, "You must have discipline in order to accomplish your goals".

"What's discipline"?

They mentally groaned. Shouldn't you already know what that is? "You'll learn over time. But let's get started" Arno.

And then the training commenced. To increasing her stamina, practicing disappearing out of thin air, basic combat practice and learning to outsmart your opponents, it was a very long day. Especially for the disappearing acts. You couldn't quite get the grasp of the act. Learning all of this will help you become a powerful assassin. But after a long day of training, it was now time to eat dinner and to get you ready for bed. You ate and were ready for bed but they all decided you could stay up for awhile longer and watch TV with them.

Before all the training started this morning, Desmond discovered a video camera. A more modern video camera. Desmond decided to tell them what it was and how it worked. They all even agreed to film the training for memories and to see what you could improve on. At the moment, you were on the floor watching TV with a few of your toys around you. Desmond decided to pull out the camera and film since he was starting to get bored.

"Hey (y/n)" Desmond asked.

"What" you asked with a big smile.

"What do you want to be when you grow up"? You thought about that question for a second and had your answer. With a huge smile, you answered.

"A Templar"!

"WHAT!? Why"? All of the Assassins heard that and most knew you were just clueless and being cute but there were some, Desmond, Jacob and Edward who took it a different direction. Haytham and Shay heard that and couldn't stop a smile from forming. "You want to be a Templar? Why would you say that" Jacob asked in a fake gasp. You started to laugh which flipped a switch in Edwards head. "You think it's funny, lass? Do you know what happens to Templars"?


"They get eaten"! Edward then raised his hands like claws and chased after you. You quickly sprung to your feet and dashed down the hallway with Edward chasing you. Your laughter echoed through the hallways and you soon saw the stairs that led up to the second floor. With Edward gaining on you, you ran up the stairs and into your room. You could hear his footsteps and quickly hid behind the door. Just like from practice, you kept your breath under control and stayed silent.

When Edward opened the door and walked into the room, he looked around and you silently left the room. He somehow didn't suspect a thing. Impressive. You ran back downstairs and saw some of the others had retreated to do something else but Desmond was still sitting on the couch with the camera and was still filming. He smiled when he saw you and asked, "Where's Edward"?

"He didn't see me" you said with joy.

"Oh really"?

"Yep". Desmond had a grin form and when you looked behind you, Edward snatched you up and held tightly by the legs and arms. "Gotcha lass"! Your laughter brought a smile to everyone's face. Edward still held onto you but then asked you a question. "How did you get out of my sight"?

"I did what you and everyone else taught me". Edwards eyes widened a bit and he looked over at Desmond. "I got it. Good job, (Y/n)".

"Pretty soon, you'll be climbing buildings and killing your dumbass enemies" Jacob said with a slurred voice. Evie slapped him in the back of the head, which others found enjoyable. "Don't curse in front of her" Evie warned. You laughed at that little squabble but it was cut off by Bayek saying that it was best if you went to bed now. You had no problem going to sleep since today's been long and tiring.

They were very proud of you and they knew that your progress would skyrocket.

Authors notes:

Ok, now what to say??? I reached 300 followers and that's amazing. Now let's get to 400. Let's see how long that takes. Hopefully not forever.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

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