As time goes by...

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Four years old

You were breathing quietly and just waiting for the right moment. Arno was sitting on a rock in a clearing. This was a test for your stealth and they all kept repeating that this would be the easiest test for you. Arno was patiently waiting and acted like nothing was going on but he was actually a bit nervous. Being your size is an advantage and that's why this test is the easiest. Arno was unaware of where you were and wasn't nervous at all. You were crouching down in a bushand gently pushed the small branches aside as quietly as possible.

There he sat, writing in a journal he, and the others, had acquired. Some preferred to write in their own native languages such as Connor, Aguilar and Alexios and the others just wrote in English or old English. Some had even taken to teaching you their native languages and you were catching on fast. As you kept watching, you knew you just couldn't run up and get him since you would make too much noise so you had a better idea. There are plenty of sticks and rocks to use for distractions.

You picked up a rock and threw it in the opposite direction which captured Arnos attention. He closed the journal and looked around. "(Y/n)"? Getting no response, he stood up and headed towards the sound quickly which now prompted you to get up quietly and get him. Each step was as careful as possible and you quickly jumped up and got him in a tight hug around the torso, scaring the life out of him. He fell to the ground and caught you. "Gotcha, Arno" you said as he held you up above his head.

"Such a sly sneak".

Eight years old

Right now, Jacob was teaching you basic fighting moves in the basement. He was allowing you to use his hands as punching targets. "Come on, (Y/n). Punch harder".

"I'm trying". You kept punching and punching until he then tried to swing at you and you quickly dodged it and went for a kick but accidentally kicked him in the groin. He instantly groaned in pain and grabbed his crotch in pain as he fell to the floor. You felt bad but then heard Evie and Shay laughing. "Nice work, (Y/n)" Evie complemented.

"Evie" Jacob retaliated.

Nine years old

In the woods, Connor had set up some targets for bow and arrow practice. You were having a bit of a difficult time with keeping the arrows straight but he was a very patient man and also encouraging. "You can do it. You will get it". You took a breath and pulled the arrow back to focus on the target from a much further distance. Connor had every bit of confidence in you and didn't dare himself to break your focus. Breathing slowly and keeping your eyes locked on the bullseye, you released the arrow and it went flying straight into the target, right in the center.

You gasped and jumped up for Connor and he caught you but couldn't hold you since you were growing fast. "I did it! I did it! I did it"! You ran over to the target to retrieve the arrow and Connor couldn't have been more proud. "You did excellent" Connor said. "Let's keep going".

Twelve years old

The time came to learn weapon combat and it was Bayek and Alexios teaching you. The group were fortunate enough to find a nearby town and had found a vintage toy shop and purchased wooden swords for you to practice with. You and Alexios were practicing the sword fighting until Bayek would jump in at any moment to teach you to always be alert of your surroundings, even during battle. As you kept fighting Alexios, Bayek decided it was a good time to jump in and attack. As Bayek jumped in, you felt the world slow down and swiped Bayek's arm back hard with the sword in only two seconds. With both men in shock, you took the small opportunity and knocked them both down fast and stood near them with a sly smirk.

"I win".

Fifteen years old

Ezio and Altaïr were not holding back and as they did various fighting moves and you fought with all your might and Ezio and Altair were not holding back. They were being too hard on you but if you wanted to be an Assassin, this is what it takes. They didn't want to hurt you, but they knew they were doing what was necessary to help you become successful.

"Focus" Ezio said. You kept fighting and did a leg sweep on Ezio and managed to grab a handful of dirt to throw in Altaïrs face and focus on Ezio for a second. This was the right thing to do and you disarmed Ezio of his sword and knocked him down and end the fight by knocking Altair down. They both looked at you and smiled. Their little Assassin only had one test left and they had faith in you.

Eighteen years old

This was it. The final test. All of the Assassins were spread out in the woods and in the middle was a small flag. The objective was to retrieve the flag and don't get caught. You can't mess up. One misstep, and you fail. There were eyes and ears everywhere so you knew you had to be careful. Starting at the beginning, Arno, Jacob and Shay were standing guard so the obvious choice was to take to the trees. Connor had taught you that traveling by trees was wiser but just as challenging since you might knock some loose leaves down and break branches.

Avoiding their gazes, you made it to the next obstacle. Haytham, Edward and Connor were being very diligent in keeping their eyes open and being as quiet as possible to be alert if they hear you. You silently got down onto the ground and observed what was around them. A pile of leafs and other trees and bushes. You silently crept through the bushes and threw small rocks near them to distract them, which worked.

The next obstacle were the girls. They were blocking the only way to the flag and nothing would get by them. Well, except for a smoke bomb. You quickly threw one and knocked them out and made it to the flag. "Well done, dolce (sweet one)". You quickly dodged Ezios attack and started attacking him and ended up pushing him aside to grab the flag and punch him hard. Ezio fell and grabbed his cheek in pain but you were quickly grabbed and held hostage by a hidden blade to the throat by Altaïr. But you couldn't lose this. You elbowed him hard and swung his arm around backwards and also managed to kick Ezio back.

"Well" you asked Altaïr threateningly. Altaïr groaned in pain but then sheathed his blade. "Alright, little one. You won".

Later that night, all of the Assassins and even the two Templars, Haytham and Shay, were there for the ceremony of making you an official Assassin. There was a small fire pit and a tool for burning your finger. As you walked up down the dirt path and towards Altaïr and Ezio with everyone else watching you proudly, you had a bright smile on your face, knowing that you achieved your dream.

You are now an Assassin.

Author's notes:

OK. Another chapter completed. I hope you all enjoyed! This story was quite the journey, huh? Glad that it has the proper ending it deserves.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

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