Leap of faith

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"3, 2, 1"


You quickly jumped out and try to get Jacob from behind but he quickly dodged it and you fell to the ground. Jacob just sighed and stood up and stood over you. "Are you hurt"?

"No". Jacob just sighed again and leaned down to help you stand up and brushed the dirt off your clothes. "Your still breathing too hard and not being careful where you step".

"But I'm trying" you said.

"I know".

"Perhaps we should move on to something else" Bayek suggested.

"Ok" you said sadly.

"Don't be too upset dolce (sweet one)" Ezio said, "You will get it. Don't give up". You just shrugged and followed after the three trainers for the day. As you followed after them, you saw that some of them were brushing up on their skills. Edward was practicing with Shay and quickly climbed up a ledge to an overpass over the lake to swan dive and flip into the water. "Woah"! You ran over to the shore and saw Edward come to the surface and started swimming towards you.

"How'd you do that" you asked so excitedly. He just smiled and stood up. "Years of practice, lass".

"I can do that"! You raced over and tried to climb up the ragged edged rock to get to cliff but you were then pulled off and placed back on the ground. "No you can't. Your not ready" Bayek said.

"But I can".

"No, you can't" Bayek repeated.

"Let me try though" you begged. You gave him and the others those adorable puppy eyes that always won them over and they just laughed. "Alright, go ahead". You smiled and then tried to climb up the ragged wall. They stood close by in case you fell or needed help. You kept trying to have a steady hold to keep climbing but it was getting harder as you got higher. You finally made it past their heights and they started getting nervous. "What's going on" Evie asked as she came over after going out for a run with the girls.

"Our little assassin here saw Edward do the leap of faith and now she thinks she can do it" Jacob said. Evie looked back up and saw you were still going up and she wasn't liking the idea. "(Y/n), come down. This isn't safe".

"I can't. I'm almost there". You kept climbing until you finally made it up which really impressed them but they quickly raced up to stop you before you could do anything else. Once they made it up, Bayek guided you to the ledge carefully, knowing you couldn't do it yourself yet. You then see the water and saw just how high up you were. "Spread your arms out" Bayek said. You spread your arms out and stood at the edge. "When I was your age, my father taught me this as well. All he told me was one word and all of my fears disappeared".

"What word"?


You looked back over the edge and started to get nervous. "Do you trust me, (Y/n)"?


"Then jump". You took a baby step closer and your legs buckled and you jumped backwards into Bayek. "Aah, come down. Your not ready, yet".


"Come, (Y/n)". You sighed and followed after Bayek as he carried you back down the large rock with the others following. You kept looking back at the ledge, thinking of yourself doing the jump but you then felt a hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry about it" Jacob said. "Let's just move on". You knew he was right. This isn't something you have to worry about right now but you knew you will achieve it in the future.

You knew...

Authors notes:

Ok. Another part published but its very short, I know. I'm sorry. The next part should be longer.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

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