Chapter 7 - Get some Lemon Cough Drops

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When Eva woke up the next morning, she knew right away it wasn't her game day. Eva woke up and her head was pounding, nose was itchy, throat was dry and she felt like punching anything in sight. She groaned when she opened her eyes all the way and hissed at the sudden light. It hurt to move.

Eva did the thing that only daughters could do at a time like this. She sucked in a breathe and....

"TAAAABIIITT- couch cough THAAAAAAA~~~-COUGH HACK-!!" Eva stopped calling her name and rubbed her throat. Tabitha burst into the room in less than 10 seconds with cough syrup, cough drops, water, white dough bread, and Gods miracle-

Lemon water.

God bless Tabitha Stewart!!!!!!

Eva nodded in thanks at her with a big smile.

"Thanks Tabi." came her raspy voice. She waved Eva off, "Anything for you sweetie! But you will not be going to school today."

Eva nodded, "Yup! Sorry, If I feel better I'll pick up Tj."

Tabitha walked out, and waved Eva as she left, "Sure, sure missy! Don't over work yourself!" Eva chuckled and nodded even though Eva knew Tabitha couldn't see her.

The moment she left, she went and lied down. Soon her mind was drifting off into a dream-less sleep.



Eva bolted up into an upright position. Her hair whipped around her face as she searched her surroundings. Eva threw the comforter from her body and dragged herself- with much effort- down the stairs. The second she was at the last stair, her cold caught up with her.

"*cough cough*", She covered her mouth with a fist. The knocks were continuous.

"I'm *cough cough* coming!" She rasped. Agonizingly, she brought one foot in front of the other. When Eva passed the kitchen and was blinded momentarily by the bright orange, only one thought came to her.

Why the hell would anyone want an orange wall!?

She brought her hand over the knob and opened it.

Slowly the afternoon night poured into her entrance-way. What or should Eva say 'who' greeted her shocked her to the bone.

There stood the one man who tormented her during her childhood single handily, Romeo Ramirez, in all his dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and 6'1" height average, glory.

She would have admired his wonderful physic if it weren't for the fact that he had the 'I wish I wasn't here' face on. In his hands were a pile of papers and a bag of sorts.

Eva nodded silently at the papers signifying she knew what they were, but rose an eyebrow at the bag.

He held out his hands in a 'take it' motion, which she obliged. Once the papers were in her hold, he opened up the bag to reveal...


Eva looked back up at him, "You do realize if I help you make this and we turn it in... I'll be passing on my ickies?" He shook his blond head and stepped into Eva’s home nonetheless.

When he got further into the house, he did a slow spin as if to examine the house. Eva just walked past him and into the kitchen. Suddenly, she felt self-conscious with just being in her short shorts and big t-shirt.

Sure Jonathan came over often but he never looked at Eva the way Romeo did. Jonathan gave her a once over and simple smirk whenever she wore something nice. Romeo... he had such an intense stare that got through her core and made her feel... womanly.

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