Chapter 5

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"When are you leaving Marigold? It's time for you to go. I mean it." I cross my arms over my chest as always when I'm talking to her and stand in front of her doorway. Jin is out shopping with her mother so it's the perfect time for me to confront my demonic ex-wife. Marigold and I, ever since that week have been different, things have changed, but I feel like I know her more than I ever did before, I guess that's what happens when someone really opens up to you...or should I phrase it for you.

"I told you," Marigold puts her hands on her hips, "I'm not leaving, sweetheart."

"You are. It's an order. I'm married to not you anymore, go." I needed for her to go. I can't have this going any further, we've already crossed more lines that I've intended with her childish mind games.

"Yes, married with a baby so I hear." Marigold scoffs. "Congratulations Daddy."

"Thank you." I nod. "Now really, get packed up."

"Did you know, Ophir dear, that after a woman gives birth she can't have sex for six whole weeks...maybe more?"


"You heard me."

"You're playing games with me, Marigold."

"Ask a healer. I am speaking the truth."

"Six weeks?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Maybe eight if she tears herself during birth."

"She's so horny lately it's a blessing I guess it makes sense..." I shake my head and cringe at the thought of tearing.

Marigold snorts. "As she gets bigger she isn't going to want to have sex with you, it might be months after you get back on that saddle and even then she has a crying newborn to breastfeed and she'll choose to feed and taking care of that baby over your sexual needs any day."

"Stop feeding me your bullshit," I growl. "Jin isn't like you and I understand the baby comes first, but there will be us-time too."

"Your us time will be her sleeping because she'll be so exhausted and not honey. Ask her or a healer, it's just how it is. You know absolutely nothing about motherhood, Ophir. That's what it is."

"I'm not having more after this one then."

"What if precious Jin does? It seems like she wants a big family." Marigold smiles.

I groan and rub at my forehead, "I don't know what I'll do then."

"You chose the wrong girl to marry, Ophir." Marigold shakes her head pitying me. "You're not a family man and that's exactly what Jin wants."

"No, Jin wants me as I want her. I didn't choose wrong. You're a child and I need an heir, a child of my own with a woman I love."

"She'll give you an heir, yes, but what happens when you grow tired of her boring conservative motherly ways?"

"Conservative isn't a woman who wants to take me in public regardless of who watches or hears." I roll my eyes. "You're so wrong about her."

"Pregnancy hormones will do that. After she has your baby, oh that child will be with her so much you won't be able to touch her."

"Marigold, if this is about us I can assure you we're a match made in hell. Whatever went on between us ends now and you're moving out. I love Jin and I can't hurt her."

"Ophir, sweetie, I am not talking about us. I am giving you the truth, that's what happens when women become mothers! Is that really the life you want now? You may love Jin but for all eternity can you handle her...I guess we'll see." Marigold shrugs.

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