3- The Mysterious Boy

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Continue Of the forgotten birthday

I grunted in pain but shook if off because iv'e had worse injures.

I looked up to see a cute boy looked about 17 years old who had short brown hair and bright blue eyes with dimples. He looked as if he could be on a football team.

 He looked as if he could be on a football team

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"Oh my god! I'm so sorry......?" He asked

"Blake, You?" I asked not knowing what else to do

"Kaden" He said reaching his hand out to help me up.

"Why the hell can't you watch where you drive" I asked Kaden.

"I'm sorry but there was someone in the road and I had to swerve so I didn't hit them."

"Oh. Ok"

"So um this may sound weird but do you need a ride home?" Kaden asked.

"Erm.... Actually that would be great!"

"Ok just punch your address in to the GPS and we can be on our way." He smiled and his dimples did what ever they do to make me get butterflies in my stomach.

He had dimples!

That's one thing I find extremely cute........Dimples.


I hopped in with my bored and punched in my address.

Soon we we're on my road that leaded to my house.

We had stopped to get food and by the time I finally got home it was 11 and I was cut up and bruised every where on my body.

"This is me" I said to Kaden.

My dad still wasn't home I mean he worked with the CIA and he travels a lot so I mean a last minute trip could have come up.

I wrote my number on a piece of paper and put by his phone when he was backing into my drive way.

"Hey listen Blake I am so sorry about earlier and I hope you can forgive me, and I had fun tonight although we didn't do much, anything anyone could ever do with you could be fun."

My stomach fluttered again.

"It's Ok! and I had fun to! Maybe we can do it again sometime?" Ok now I sounded crazy! Asking a stranger who almost hit me with a car out?

"Sure i'd like that, can I get your number"

I unbuckled and got out with out mentioning the paper by his phone.

I looked back and saw he had a smile plastered across his face with the paper in his hand.

As I proceeded to the pouch I stopped when I had reached it and took a deep breath in.

If any of the boys saw that I looked as if someone mugged me they would flip out.

I walked in a quietly as I could before all four boys showed up behind the counter.

"Fan-Fucking-Tastic" I mumbled to myself.

Alex took one look and me and rushed over to me grabbing my chin tight.

"Blakely what the fuck?!" Alex scolded.

oh boy am I in for it.

"I'M FINE!" I yelled

The three others looked at me and the twins said in unison. "The fuck you are!"

Samuel saw me and rushed over to the medicine cabinet and got a crap tone of band-aids.

"Ok ya'll are over exaggerating" I said getting daggers shot at me from Alex.

Oh no.

Alex motioned to the twins and Samuel to go upstairs.

"Where we're you?" Alex said calmly even though I could see him clinching his fist enough to where it turned white.

"I was riding my bored and I tripped over a rock and fell" Or getting almost hit by a car but I mean there kinda alike..... Right?

"Then I stopped to get food"



"Whatever! I'm calling someone to pick me up tonight and I hope you get your ass straighten up Alex!" I yelled going upstairs to pack a over night bag.

I reached in to my jacket pocket and noticed there was a paper with Kaden's number on it.

A smile appeared on my face, As I pulled my phone out I enter the number and texted Kaden.

Me- Hey so I know you just picked me up but um I kinda got into a fight with my brother and i'm leaving for tonight, do you think you can pick me up?

Kaden💜- Sure! Do you have a place to stay?

Me- Erm no I was gonna get a hotel.

Kaden💜-No! you will stay with me, K?


I packed a school outfit, A pair of shoes, and pajamas with we're shorts and a crop top tank top.

I hope Alex get's his ass straighten up.

I threw my backpack over my shoulder and waited on my bed.

About 10 minutes later he was here and I walked pass Alex, Aiden,Austin and Samuel.

Aiden followed me out.

"Blake! Stop! Blake!"

"What huh? Are you going to lecture me on staying out late and getting in a accident? because if you are you can shut it and shove it!"

"Blake,I was going to say I think Alex is over reacting and that,I love you more then you will ever know" He sighed.

I felt tears prickle down my cheeks. Aiden wrapped me in a tight hug.

"I love you to."

"Well I don't want to keep your ride waiting"

I chuckled wiping my tears away.I waved by and Aiden returned it.

Aiden's P.O.V

Blake walked down stairs with a book bag thrown over her shoulder texting in one wand and the bored we got her in another. 

I followed her outside.

"Blake! Stop! Blake!"

"What huh? Are you going to lecture me on staying out late and getting in a accident? because if you are you can shut it and shove it!"

She started to cry.

I didn't ask anything instead I just wrapped her in a tight hug.

Heyyyy So I hope you like this chapter.

Where should this book take place? Drop a comment to let me know. I'm thinking Virginia or Utah but idk yet.



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