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alex sat low in the emergency room chair, staring blankly caramel coloured wall, right hand bruising soft purples and yellows, a harsh and jagged slash crossing diagonally on the palm of his hand

" alex, im sorry. " david spoke up finally, turning his head to look at alex. alex just shook his head, giving a small sigh and looking down at his hand, turning it this way and that, studying it.

" don't be. " he replied quietly, talking through gritted teeth, obviously trying to keep his demeanor calm. he was still frustrated about the entire situation. he knew that he had no right to be, but something about it just irked him. he was partially guilty for overreacting, which made him angry. he felt stupid for causing the conflict in the first place, which added to his anger. and then, to top it all off, he hurt himself. 

david frowned a bit at alex's reply, but didn't want to make matters worse. waiting a few moments, the older boy looked down at his lap," i shouldn't have done that. i messed up. i should have made things better, not make them worse. i didn't think much of it. we've always been kinda close . . .  " he muttered quietly, not moving his eyes from his lap.

now it was alex's turn to sigh, shaking his head a bit, "it's fine. i overreacted just like you said.. i shouldn't be so . . . i don't know, uptight " he said quietly, looking down at his hand.

david shrugged a bit. he didn't blame alex. he knew he was partially to blame, " so we're good, right? "

alex nodded softly, offering a very small smile in davids direction, reaching over with his free hand to grab davids. 

somebody else : dalexWhere stories live. Discover now