Talking with the dead

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Intro time!

Kennya: Welcome Readers I'm your author Kennya. I write Avengers x reader Chatrooms! Today we have a Halloween Special! With a special guest. Enjoy and make sure to leave a comment


Y/n: You sure about this?

Wanda: Yeah it's totally safe nothing bad is going to happen.....

Y/n: Ok but if we die I will resurrect you then kill you again.

Wanda: Ok geesh


(Third person POV (point of view out of groupchat)

Wanda walked into the living room with Y/n.
"Ok you sure about this?" Y/n said
"Yeah this is totally safe. Where not gonna die." Wanda said
"Ok then." Y/n sat down and lit the candles as Wanda set up all the other stuff. "Ok first you need to put two fingers from each hand onto this piece" Wanda demonstrated "then where gonna move it around in a circle three times" she smiled.
Y/n did what Wanda told her and they started the game.
"Pietro are you here?" Wanda asked then the planchette (the piece you put your fingers on) started to move toward yes. Y/n eyes widened "Wanda stop playing, I know your doing this." She panicked. "I'm not doing anything" Wanda said. Then one door started to open slowly and they  both turned around quickly as they heard a males laugh. Wanda smiled "He's here."
Y/n looked at her "You crazy woman"
Wanda look at Y/n her eyes glowing a dark red "What did you say!" She grabbed her neck and held her against the wall
"I- I said n-not-thing" Y/n said between breaths as she lost oxygen. Then a dark figure of a woman stood behind Wanda and stepped through her. "Mean girls need to learn how to respect" Wanda said in a weird tone. Y/n kicked Wanda and ran out the door to Steve. "Steve help me Wanda is trying to kill me!" Y/n cried. "What?" Steve said and stood up. Wanda walked into the room and threw Steve and Y/n to the wall. Tony then walked in "What's going on here?" He asked. Wanda threw him to the wall. Another figure this time of a male appeared behind Wanda and it called out to her "Wanda Sister what are you doing" the figure came clean and it appeared to be Pietro, but how could he be alive isn't he dead. Everyone in the room turned there head to look at Pietro. "Brother?" Wanda called. "I'm right here" He responded then grabbed Wanda and threw her to the ground.

"Wanda wake up it's time to get ready" Wanda heard a voice call. She woke up and saw Y/n. "Ready for what?" Wanda asked. "The Halloween party" y/n responded. "Oh right I'll get ready" Wanda said. Y/n nodded then walked out and went to the living room. Wanda stood up and held her head in pain as her eyes glowed red and she heard a voice say "Mean girls need to learn how to respect the dead" and Wanda was lifted off the ground and disappeared.


Welp I didn't really know where I was going with this chapter. But I actually kinda like it. I change it up this time it went from texting to "irl" (in real life)
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and again thanks for 1000 readers means a lot to me and have a great Halloween day!

Qotd: What are you gonna be for Halloween?

I'm gonna be Jughead Jones from Riverdale/ the Archie comics

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