Merry Christmas

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(This is gonna be out of groupchat format. So just a regular episode chapter whatever you wanna call it)

Tony was running around the house looking for his wallet "where's my wallet where is it!"

Steve was looking for Bucky "Bucky!"

Sam was hiding Bucky under the Christmas tree. He put a bow on Bucky "Steve will love his gift"

Wanda was running after pietro

Y/n was sitting next to peter
"So penis Parker"

Peter blushed "nuuu"

Y/n laughed

Tony passed by them "don't call my son names!"

Y/n looked at tony "meep"

/one hour later\

Everyone gathered by the tree

Tony got his wallet back and other stuff including a picture of himself which he loved

Steve got a Bucky, a phone, and other stuff that confused him

Bucky got Steve, and other confusing new technology

Peter got a new phone, a new suit, and a book of pick up lines (heheheh)

Y/n got weapons, one of Tony's wallets (full of cash) and other stuff

Clint got new arrows and a sign that said "I am a father"

Pietro got a grave stone

Wanda got a shovel

Kennya appeared out of nowhere "WHY WERENT YOU AT ELF PRACTICE?!" She screamed

Tony looked at Kennya "NOOOO BITCH"

Steve coughed

Bucky sat on Steve's lap

Y/n threw a biscuit at tony "shush"

/insert dramatic zoom out\

"Now boy and girls. I know they are weird people and well you can thank the author of this book" deadpool coughed "I was the best fucking narrator e-"

Kennya runs in "WHY WERENT YOU AT ELF PRACTICE" she had bells all over her

"NOOO" tony screamed from the corner

"Have a merry oofmas!"

- from the avengers (and peter) cough


Hi guys! Happy holidays! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. A lot of stress with school and then I was Really sick but hey I'm back! Hopefully y'all like this (I made it in 20 mins) also I've been getting a lot of writers block but whatever. Well I love you all have a merry oofmas. 

Please watch the video it will make me so happy :)

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