Updates// 3K VIEWS!

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OH MY GUYS! I didn't know we where going to hit 3,000 views by the end of the year! This is actually a big goal for me. I've been on Wattpad for 9 months and I've had this book for couple months and we are already at 3k! It might not be a lot to you but it's a lot to me. Ugh I'm so happy and it's 1 am 😂😂 lmao but yeah thank you! And if you have Instagram hmu on @// prettymankoury2.0 dm or comment on a post and say you're from Wattpad and I will say hi and maybe we can become FRIENDS!!

Now I was thinking about something.
1) I kinda wanted to make a imagines book where I post well imagines and some scrap writing and requests, so if you want me to do that please let me know

2) should I make my chapters longer and maybe more comedic? I feel like my content/ work is not that funny or to long, so this year I want to change up and actually make longer and funnier chapters

3) fave reveal might happen I dunno up to y'all and how far I get and how I feel

4) maybe a Q&A? Possibly in the future

Well guys thank you so much I love you all, and I'll hopefully have a New Years chapter soon

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