The Guy in the Chair

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Peter started a groupchat

Peter added: Ned

Ned: Hi Peter!

Peter: Hey Ned

Wade has joined the chat

Wade changed Peter to peetie

Wade: Hi peetieeeee

Peter: NO!

Ned: ...

The Guy In the Chair has joined

Peetie: ...

Ned has left the chat

Wade: (/•-•)/ whoop

The Guy In the Chair: Why is this chat named after me?

Peetie: I I I dunoo Ask Wade he did that! ...

Wade: I didn't do it. Peetie shut up or I'll shove my chimichanga up your ass

The Guy In the Chair: ...

Peetie: ...

Wade: :)

Wade has left the chat

Tony has joined that chat


Tony has left the chat

Peetie: ...

Visions dead body has joined the chat

Visions dead body: KILLER

Visions dead body has left the chat

Peetie: •-• uhh..

The Guy In the Chair: I am a purple grape named Thanos and I will avenge you all

Peetie: €\!_*'Uwbauwnwhkawhjqhwbqhanw

Peetie has left the chat

The Guy In the Chair: Now, Time to work on my meme page.

Thor has joined the chat

Thor: Meme page?

The Guy In the Chair: Yes, meme page

Steve has joined the chat

Steve: Me me page?

The Guy In the Chair: Meme page

Steve: me-me page

The Guy In the Chair: ...

The Guy In the Chair has left the chat

Y/n has joined the chat


Y/n: I'll just leave my cup of milk here

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Y/n: I'll just leave my cup of milk here. Watch it for me I'll be back

Y/n has left the chat

Thor: I will watch it like a Clint watches the Bee Movie

Clint has joined the chat



Thor: No.

Steve: Me-Me page?

Clint: NO.

Clint has left the chat

Natasha has joined the chat

Natasha: Idiots.

Y/n has joined the chat

Y/n: Hey Thor, I'm back can I get my milk

Thor: Yes you can



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Thor left the chat

Y/n left the chat

Steve: Me-me page?

Wade joined the chat

Wade: Hey so uh anyone seen peetie? I have a chimichanga for him ;) heheheh 😏

Peetie has joined that chat

Peetie: NO

Peetie has left the chat


Tony joined that chat

Tony has disconnected the chat


Hello people, this is actually the first chapter of the year, and yes I said I was going to post on New Years but I was with my family celebrating so yeah, but here's something hope y'all enjoyed this terrible chapter butttttttt stay awesome and drink milk

Hello people, this is actually the first chapter of the year, and yes I said I was going to post on New Years but I was with my family celebrating so yeah, but here's something hope y'all enjoyed this terrible chapter butttttttt stay awesome and d...

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