My name is Thanos.

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Thanos has created a groupchat

thanos invited cable

cable: who are you?

thanos: who are you?

cable: I don't know you.. you added me here.

Deadpool invited himself into the chat

thanos: who are you??

deadpool changed his name to princesspool

princespool: Listen here shit nuggets, thanos you're played by some dudes named josh.. cable, my main man you're played by the same josh. which makes you the same person TADAAAAAA!!

cable: what the fuck. half of the time i don't fucking understand what you're talking about.

thanos: shit nuggets? what are those

shuri heard her calling


t'challa also heard his calling

t'challa: no, sister.

t'challa left the groupchat

thanos: what's a shit nugget?

cable: facepalm

princesspool: heheheh wink wonk ;;;)))

shuri: shit nuggets= Same as holy shit. But instead holy shitnugget or holy shitnuggets. or just shitnugget/s. Usually used when pissed off. Most people use it while playing a game and one loses.

thanos: Oooohhhh. shitnuggets i get it.

cable: can i go now?

thanos: yes begone thot.

cable left

princesspool: yay ::::))))

shuri left

princesspool: I have a special message. thanos please sit down

thanos: *sits*

princesspool: *clears throat and opens scroll* Dear readers, my deepest apologies for not posting another chapter in over a month.. i will definitely start posting more and i also really want to thank you on 6k and 7k OMFG IM SO HAPPY!!! i love you all and have an amazing night/day/morning/afternoon

thanos: *applauds*

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