To Stay And Burn With Me

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I take a deep breath as I reach up and slowly caress over his cheek as he finishes out his last few thrust. He pants heavily as his body finally collapsed on mine. I laugh softly as I run my fingers through his damp hair as he rests his head on my shoulder. "My beautiful Pandora..we made it. The world will soon be ours, we will bring hell upon the earth." He says in a soft tone as he leans in and kisses me. As our lips touch I slowly run my bright red nails down his back, slightly sinking them into his skin. As he moans softly I pull away from him. "Pandora..what do you think you're doing.." He chuckles as he looks into my eyes. I just shake my head. "Come on Emeritus we can't lay around in bed all day.." He pouts as he looks at me. "Oh..and why not?" I laugh softly and kiss him again. "Because we have spent the last two weeks doing exactly that. Now come on we have a mass to hold." He groans. "Fine.." He mumbled, I grab his chin making him look at me.  "Come on now..don't be this way with me. we will have plenty of time tonight to devour each other once again." I say in a more seductive tone as I lean in and kiss him until Papa pulls away with a chuckle. "As you said we must be going." He smirks as he gets up off of me. "Dick.." I pout. "Only yours my love." I flip him off as he says that as I slowly sit up and scoot over to the edge of the bed. "I believe you best be getting ready as well Pope." He chuckles and shakes his head. "Just take care of yourself my dear." He smirks, I shake my head as I stand up and walks over to the wardrobe. Nothing much in the way of what I wore changed. It was the same tight black dress that cut off right at my thighs and of course with my habit and rosary. I'm glad at least that much stayed the same. The one major change was the fact now I had to speak at the masses as well and today was going to be my first. I felt nervous as hell but there was no running from this. I look in the mirror and begin to put the ceremonial paint on, my hand trembling slightly as I bring the brush up to my face. "Damn it!" I groan already messing up the line. Papa chuckles as he walks over, taking the brush from my hand as he smiles and takes my hand kissing it lightly as he removes the brush. "Calm down my dear. It can be tricky the first few times but here let me do it for you." He says in a calm tone as he begins to do my make up. "All finished my darling. You look amazing." He leans in giving me a quick kiss. "Now come on we really must be going." He says holding his arm out. "I'm ready." I say linking arms with him. As we walk through the corridor the large hell hound. The large beast sits up watching our every move. Papa gives the beast a nod as he opens the door to the chapel. Papa looks at me and gives a nod. "Well go on my dear." He chuckles softly he looks at me and waits. "I know you can do this." He smiles, I look towards the dimly lit chapel and nod. "You're right.." However I'm sure my tone of voice wasn't as convincing as I would have liked it be. With a bit of hesitation I begin to walk down the isle of the chapel, there was whispers here an there but I just tried my best to block it out as I walk up to the alter waiting for Papa. Once Papa joins my side the chapel goes quiet as he begins to speak. "Brothers and Sisters, it is so wonderful to see you all after such a long time. I have missed seeing you all and as I'm sure you all are aware of the changes to come. We will carry out our dark lords plans for the new world. Together we will do this, for nothing will ever shake our faith in him. Now at this time I would like to turn this over to our new Mother Emeritus." Claps begin to fill the room as Papa looks at me and gives a nod. I walk over and look at the filled chapel. "Brothers and sisters of the this time of change I am happy to serve along side Papa Emeritus and to shove my devotion for all of you. I will not fail any of you and together we will achieve Meliora." Papa walks over and takes my hand. "Nema! You all are dismissed, let us fill this day with sin. We shall proudly serve our dark lord." Papa turns to me with a smirk. "You my dear are coming with me for a quick meeting in my office, now come time is too precious to waste.." He says in a stern tone. "You make this sound so important Papa.." I laugh softly as he leans in closer to me. "Of course it is a day for sinning..and we are just standing around." He chuckles. "Now come along Pandora."

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