Imperator's Warning

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*Authors Note* I'm so sorry for the long wait, I've been a bit busy with things.

I bite my lip as I follow Papa to the office. "So Emeritus what did you want to discuss?" I watch him close the door as I begin to fidget with the grucifix around my neck. "Have you been keeping  the dark lord in your heart and looking to me for all the guidance?" "Yes Papa." I say with a sharp breath. "Lies!" Papa growls as he wraps his gloved hand around my throat. "You look to me with lust glimmering in your eyes, I can tell I make every inch of you ache begging..pleading for my touch.." His voice takes a husky tone as he places his hand on my hip and pulls me in closer to him, I moan softly as his erection brushes against my ass. "The way I soak those little black panties of yours." He whispers in my ear as his fingers brush against my folds through my panties. I moan softly as my body begins to tense up slightly. "Oh lucifer.." Papa chuckles darkly. "Lucifer is not here however Papa is." He slips his hand into my panties causing me to take a deep breath. "Emeritus!" I breathe out. "Just what I was wanting to hear my dear." "You're evil.." I groan as I rest up against him. "Of course I'm evil I'm the dark pope after all." He chuckles as he moves us over to his desk without a word, the only noises escaping his lips are the soft groans as he starts to grind against me. I moan as I push my ass up right against him as I dig my nails into his desk. Papa gives me a hard slap on the ass. "Don't mark my desk!" He says in a harsh tone then quickly turns me around. As we make eye contact I run my hand over his chest as the intensity of lust builds in our eyes. "The two things that bring me pleasure in this wretched world are getting to hear those sweet moans and to be rulling by your side." He says in a whispered tone as he leans in closer to my lips, as our lips touch I unbutton his pants. As they fall around his ankles he smirks against my lips as he lifts my dress up. "To give ourselves to sin is such an indulgence." He whispers against my lips as his member slowly enters me. My arms wrap around his neck until I notice his smiling lips curl to a smirk as in a swift movement he pins my arms down to the desk as he looks into my eyes. "You really thought I didn't have something up my sleeve?" He chuckles darkly as he leans down. "Big mistake.." He whispers then begin to kiss my neck as his thrusts become harder. "Fuck!" I gasp as my back arches, with deep quick thrust my eyes begin to water as my soft moans grow louder. With another harder thrust Papa makes a long drawn out growl in my ear. He looks deep into my eyes as his moans and growls turn to short grunts. "Say it!" He demands with a hard, deeper thrust. "I want this room to ring with the echos, who do you belong to?! Say it for me!" He growls. "P-Papa!" I cry out. "I belong to Papa!" I cry out with his hard thrust. "Yes you do. You are mine." He says as he looks into my eyes. "Do not stray away from me. You are all mine." With a few more hard thrusts we finally come together as one, our moans settling down to pants   as he lets go of my hands allowing me to wrap my arms around his neck as we kiss. "We had our fun, now really we must return to our duties." I begin to run my hand up and down his back. "Yes..its just so hard to pull myself away." He nods. "I know but we will unit again as more than Papa and Mama tonight." He kisses me then pulls away just as I go to place my hand on his cheek. "Come, we must make ourselves decent and depart." I sit up on the desk and watch as he pulls his pants up. "Yes Papa." I nod as I get down off of the desk and pull my panties up and smooth out my dress. After I fix my habit and give Papa a quick kiss I part ways and make my way down the corridor. It was pure silence until I hear. "Mama Emeritus?" I turn my head and give a nod. "Hello Sister Imperator, how nice to see you." She gives a nod. "How is your first day back?" "It's been a nice day so far." "Do you mind if we speak for a moment?" I stop and look at her. "Of course not Sister, there is always time for you." "Thank you Mama, in light of a time for celebration I still can not shake this feeling of dread." "Feeling of dread? What do you mean?" I ask as I watch her stone expression change a bit. Sister Imperator was always a hard person to read. "Mama I must warn you, I feel we may need to gather the congregation. I have been having these visions, many of our brothers and sisters will fall to a great war." "A war? Sister, I see no need to call a meeting just yet. As far as I am concerned why would the possibility of war even loom about? Could the Second impose this threat?" "No it is something bigger than the elder brother of our Papa, this is far bigger than what we may be prepared for." "Sister Imperator I will take this into account but maybe we should wait. I mean maybe they are nothing." She reaches out and places her hand on my shoulder. "This is a warning, from the dark lord himself. Please strongly take this into consideration Mama. You have a duty, to take in the safety of the clergy under all costs." I give her a nod. "Yes Sister, I will give this consideration." "Thank you Mama, nemA." She says with a slight bow and parts ways with me. 

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