Silent~ Viktor Nikiforov x Mute male reader

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// hello~ so the reader isn't going to be totally mute. Just silent more of. This oneshot is based off why Im silent and stuff. Tho, mine is a teeny tiny bit less drastic, ig. Anyways this isn't about me. It's also really short, Im tired and tomorrow is Halloween. I dont have a Halloween special planned. Lmao ik i suck. Anyways there will probably an a/n at the end.

Y/n flopped on his bed angrily, he didn't land his jump, he didn't land it, and today he participated in his first competition, in figure skating of course. He huffed in frustration, not only that he didn't land his jump, he twisted his knee, disabling him from being able to skate, and walk for a good period of time. The worst of all, he couldn't talk to express his feelings. Well he could talk, he just chose not to. Why? Because when he was young, his parents and just about everyone told him that he was annoying and his mouth got him in the wrong position. His mom hit him one day, just because he said he didn't like how his teacher would pick on him, because he would be straight up, he said what was on his mind, and that annoyed his teacher, causing her to say rude things to him, and dropping his grades for no reason. His father hated how his son was straight forward, he always scolded Y/n. This happened everyday when he was young, causing little him to run into his room crying, but one day his dad slapped him, that was the day he went Silent. He stopped talking, not wanting to make anymore mistakes, afraid of getting hurt, either emotionally or physically. He didn't regret his decision until when his figure skating career got a little more serious. He loved skating, it helped him express his feelings, since he didn't want to talk about them.

Y/n stopped talking at the age of 6, him now being the age of 15, he shook his head in disappointment as he looked down at his knee. 'Why now?' He said in his head, he couldn't even go skate off his anger, which only made him more angry. He heard a knock at his door, he rushed to the door, his eyes widen at the sight, Viktor Nikiforov was standing at his door. Y/n smiled, and so did Viktor. "Hello Mr.Mute Skater Man." Viktor said and waved. Y/n nodded and stepped to the side of his apartment door, letting the silver haired male in. He loved Viktor's silver hair, it was long, so beautiful. Viktor noticed Y/n staring and smirked. "See something you like L/n?" He said and winked. Y/n blushed and smiled, shaking his head lightly. Viktor frowned, he couldn't even get a small giggle out of the male. "Let's go relax on the couch, your knee must hurt." Viktor said and grabbed Y/n leading him to the couch, both males leaned on each other, sitting beside one and another, legs up on the coffee table in front of them. Viktor was a friend of Y/n's, both met a year ago at a rink, Viktor took interest when he found out the male was 'mute', and Y/n like his silver hair. Both exchanged info, and became good friends. Now both would be lying if they were to deny having feelings for the other. Viktor snuggled up against Y/n, causing the silent one to smile and pat his head gently. They stayed like that until both their eyelids grew heavy, and then their breaths evening out, almost syncing with each others.

Y/n eyes flickered open, only to get a face full of silver hair, he coughed a bit, causing the other to sit up, to fast, bumping into Y/n's head. Y/n scrunched his face in pain, Viktor panicked slightly. "Gah! Sorry. Stupid hair! Stupid me!" He said angry at himself and his beautiful hair. "Don't you dare call that hair stupid, or yourself in fact!!" Yelled the h/c haired male. Both of the males eyes widen and they looked at each other. "I didn't say anything." Y/n said and deadpanned at himself. Viktor gaped at the other. "My life has been a lie, you can talk!" He said kind of disappointed the other didn't tell him. "These are the first words I spoke in what 9 years?!" Said Y/n a little disappointed in himself. "And while Im talking Ill just say it, I love you Viktor Nikiforov!" Y/n yelled and the quickly put both his hands over his mouth, covering his mouth while blushing red. Viktor blinked and blushed. "I love you too Y/n L/n!" He yelled back and giggled. Y/n took his hands off his mouth and smiled. "Please don't go silent again, I love your  voice." Viktor said. Y/n just rolled his eyes playfully and grabbed Viktor, kissing him happily, Viktor kissing back with almost and equal amount of happiness, maybe even more happy?

"Be silent and just kiss me."

// hope you liked it! Its like 4 am, I have horrible sleeping habits, I actually have more 'work' to do. Im making edits on picsart. I might do a Halloween special, after Halloween tho lmao. Kms. Welp I will try, it's not a promise however.

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