Yeah~ Rin from Free! x male reader

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// so i finally had time to redownload the wattpad app, and now it's all better. So yay more yaoi!!!!!! And i got this inspiration from, well a few hours ago, I confessed to my long term crush. Tho we aren't together, yet. ;) lol. If ya wanna know how the legitimate confession went ill write a lil description at the end~

Y/n sighed happily, currently he was having a daydream about his crush, Rin, in the daydream they were sitting under the cherry blossom tree in the school yard, which Y/n was currently looking at through the classrooms window. "L/n!" Y/n jumped in surprise when his teacher yelled at him. Damn, Y/n's teacher was such a bitch, she called out any student for any little thing. "Please pay attention, next time I see you doing the opposite it's detention for you." She said and turned back to the chalkboard to continue the lesson. Y/n really tried paying attention, then he imagined Rin as a sexy teacher and trying to teach him a lesson on how to not be a bad boy. Which made Y/n bang his head against the desk to get rid of that dirty thought, before it could get too far. He mentally face palmed when he heard heels clanking towards his current location. "Let's go L/n." Then she grabbed Y/n's arm and pulled him right down to the office, where Y/n got lectured, but of course his thoughts landed on to Rin again.

At lunch, Y/n sat with the Iwatobi swim club, they were his only friends, but his best friend was Gou, who introduced him to everyone. Rin was there also of course, and then Y/n felt very awkward. He kept staring at Rin, his face was beautiful and Y/n was so gay, so very gay for this man. "Damn is it hot in here or is it me." Y/n thought in his head while casually glancing at Rin. "Excuse me?" Rin said raising an eyebrow at Y/n. "Shit I said that out loud, act casual Y/n, think of what to say.. Shit, I did it again. Just walk away." With that said, Y/n began getting up and well, walking away. Gou of course followed her best friend. Y/n tried to get some privacy in the boys washroom, but his stubborn friend followed him, who happens to be a girl. "You are so totally gay for my brother aren't you? " She said as stars could be seen in her eyes. "I love yaoi." Gou added, along with some drool. "Maybe...?." Y/n said unsure of to tell her or not. "That's definitely a yes. You should tell him!!" She said and got really close to Y/n, practically popped his personal space bubble. "UhmmMMMMM how about NO." Y/n said. "Then I will tell him myself." She said and smiled wickedly. Damn that woman. "Fine I will!"

Now, Y/n is in his room, along with Rin, they were "studying"; aka Y/n staring at Rin while he studies. Y/n wanted to tell him, but he was scared, the fear of rejection was riding on his shoulders, and boy, was the fear of rejection heavy as hell. Rin looked at Y/n, they made eye contact, which caused Y/n to blush. "What were you and Gou talking about in the boys washroom?" Rin asked. "Wellll... uhm you see. About you, and me, and uh... the past few months.." Y/n said in a small whisper. "What?" Rin heard what he said, but didn't know exactly what he said, it was confusing. "Feelings. Stuff, You and Me, feelings.. how I hate how close you and Haru are.." Y/n blushed as he talked and hid behind a pillow. Rin was still confused, it took him ten minutes of thinking, but finally it hit him like a bullet through his heart. "Do you like me?" Rin asked Y/n, who was still behind a pillow. "Yes?" Y/n blushed, and so did Rin. Y/n liked this side of Rin very much, he seemed different, it made Y/n smile. "You know, I think I might give you a try." Rin said and grinned, this made Y/n's heart beat one thousand miles per second. "Yeah." Was all that Y/n could say at this moment. "Yeah." Rin responded.

"How cliche is it that I fell on top of you after confessing?" Y/n laughed as he was currently sitting on top of a fallen Rin.

Soo how I confessed! A bonus author mini story!!!

She came over today, yes its a she, and yes im a she, fite me. Jk. Ily ^_^
Then well, i did my little flirting, basically pick up line for dayz. Then she asked me, what happened and what me and my friend were talking about, which we accidentally said her name when we were talking about me someday confessing. So i hinted her some stuff, like in this chapter. It took her twenty minutes to piece it together. Then she asked me. "Do you like me?" I said yeah. Then of course she said. "As a friend right?" No Mano no. I call her Mano btw. I finally just spilled my heart out, telling her i liked her for a long time, and i blush so much, especially when she hugs me, and i went on for ten minutes. She was blown away. Considering she is depressed, like legitimately depressed, she seemed happy that someone loved her. Which made me feel happy. But she teased me all night and asked me questions about me liking her. She would hint that she liked me back, but be like jk. :,) never been so upset and happy at the same time. But right now we will remain friends. But not for long, now that she knows im only going to try harder to win her heart. Im like so motivated now. So expect more chapters!
Also. When I said i liked her cliche love song began playing. It all was so cliche we cringed.

Bye bye my ricecakes~

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