Christmas~ Author! Kurtis x Male Reader

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Uhm the pic is like the best i could do of the "image" of me. Also kind of like the kiss scene later. ♥︎

// so like. I see other authors do this. But like. I was nervous. Considering this is more like an oc, or the person I want to be. But the personality matches perfectly. WELLL. THIS is all i can write. Since im going to be busy for the rest of the holidays, also because its hard for me around Christmas..., and Im gonna try to get my new years specials up, of not then they will be up on Jan 8th. I hope you enjoy this, this is the end of Christmas specials, so yeah. I always wanted to do an Author x reader XD.

((Tried to do seke/ whatever you want to be reader. I always try to do this.))

Christmas. The happiest time of the year, but some people hated the fact of Christmas, one of those people were Y/n. He had his reasons however on why he hated the most loved holiday of the year. Every year, this happened, so every year he became a shut in. It was never a problem, that is until he remembered he got a hyperactive friend over the course of the year.

Y/n was sitting down on the couch of his apartment, which came furnished already, Y/n thought it was a good deal. He moved from his grandparents house right when he turned 18, in his own place, Christmas didn't have to exist. Until he realized all the shows on Tv will be having Christmas specials, he groaned while flicking through the channels, seeing that everything was about Christmas he out the remote down after turning the Tv off. He sat in silence, thinking about grabbing a book, but before he could he heard a knock on the door. Y/n curiously walked towards the door. Y/n opened the door to reveal a small brown haired male, with blue orbs. "Y/n!" Cried the male and launched towards him, ready to tackle Y/n. But Y/n knew this was going to happen when he saw those blue eyes, he moved out of the way, making the poor brown haired male fall face first on the ground. "Meanie." Was all that the smaller/bigger male said. ((Im 5"2 so if ya. Are taller of shorter. Whatever.)) Y/n shook his head in disappointment, before helping the other up. Y/n sighed when he saw the festive yarn hat his friend wore. "Kurtis. Get that holly jolly shit out of my house before I burn you and it." The brown haired male gulped and immediately threw the hat out of a nearby window, and landed on an old man, who fell over due to the slippery ice sidewalks when the hat hit him. "Oops. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Oops." Kurtis said kind of repeatedly. "SORRY!!!" Kurtis yelled out. Then Y/n pulled him in. "He is going to sue you if he sees you." Y/n said and shook his head at his friend. "It's fine, it's not like I have money, considering Im only 17. No fair you're 18. Hmph." Kurtis said with a pout, remembering he isn't his own person yet, unlike Y/n, who moved out. Kurtis would move out too if it weren't for his parents. "Hey Y/n." Kurtis said trying to get the older's attention. "What is it?" Y/n said while grabbing a bag of chips for the two of them. "Can I move in with you when Im 18?" Kurtis asked tilting his head even though the other had their back facing them. Y/n blushed slightly.

The two sat on the couch, leaning against each other and munching on chips happily, they decided to watch a movie, it was Zootopia. Kurtis obviously chose it. "I ship them!" Kurtis said and pointed to the tv and at the bunny and fox. "Same." Y/n replied. "Y/n."
"Why do you hate Christmas?" Kurtis asked biting his lip, afraid of his answer, and afraid of what would happen if Y/n didn't want him to bring that up. "My parents.." Y/n replied with a sigh. "They were in a car crash, while getting gifts for me.. if it wasn't for me they wouldn't have to get gifts. I feel like it's all my fault.." Y/n said tearing up. Kurtis blinked, and hugged the other. "Y/n. It wasn't your fault. It was nobody's fault, the roads are icy, if it was somebody's fault, it definitely wouldn't be yours." Kurtis said, Y/n hugging back slowly and nodded. "Thanks." Y/n mumbled and Kurtis smiled. "I think your parents would've liked you to celebrate the holidays. In their honour." Y/n nodded in response to that statement. "I-I never thought of that-" Y/n said. Then Y/n ran out the door, he only threw on his boots and a sweater while grabbing his wallet. Kurtis just sat there on the couch, he deadpanned. "Did he just leave me here after a heartfelt moment? Oh well. More chips." Kurtis said and took the bag for himself. Then realized he had something in his coat pocket. He smiled and began plotting.

Y/n ran down the street heading back to his apartment, with a hug box in his arms, and a few plastic bags, well maybe more than a few. He was so lucky he didn't slip. Everything looked so beautiful out, even the Christmas decorations, especially the lights, it was now evening. Not to mention, it was Christmas eve. So the lights were lit, and looked amazing, Y/n was kinda sad he never got to experience this sooner, considering he never went outside around Christmas. "Oh shit. I left Kurt there!" Y/n said going faster, still surprisingly not slipping, that is pure skill. He dug in his pocket for his key once he got in the building and headed straight for the elevator. He waited patiently for the elevator to stop at his floor, then he realized he had to press a button, so he did, and waited for the fourth floor. He scurried out of the elevator as soon as it opened, he opened his door, which wasn't locked, finally remembering again that Kurtis was there. "Ooh~ What do you got there?" Kurtis asked. "Fun things! Not in the dirty way.. but come on help me." Y/n said and signalled Kurtis to help him.

The two males panted, both out of breath after the previous activities. Which was nothing dirty. Other than the fact that there was tinsel and glitter everywhere. Y/n's house now was decorated for Christmas, two stockings hung up, for him and Kurtis, a tree with glitter ornaments and tinsel, wreaths were placed everywhere, and streamers were placed on the ceiling. It truly looked like Christmas. "Its so pretty!" Kurtis said and looked at the Christmas tree, which was topped with a flower instead of a star, it was both Y/n's favourite, f/f. (Fav flower.) Also Kurtis's favourite flower, a Lily. "It sure is." Y/n smiled, he smiled around Christmas, and at a Christmas scene. It was definitely magical. "Oh Kurt I got you a gift." Y/n said and handed him a wrapped box. "Oh, blue wrapping paper, my favourite colour thanks." Kurtis smiled and tore open the gift to reveal a box of chocolates. "BLESS YOU Y/N! I LOVE YOU!" Kurtis said and jumped up and down, he didn't often get chocolate due to his overprotective parents. The the words he said sank in. Causing both males to blush. "I mean.. uh. Oh I have a gift for you too!" Kurtis said and smiled. Y/n nodded, then Kurtis grabbed his hands and lead him to Y/n's room. Y/n blushed slightly. "Uhm. This may be weird I didn't think it through totally." Kurtis said as his cheeks turned pink. He pulled Y/n down on the bed, and into the middle, so both were now sitting in the middle, Kurtis on his knees, and Y/n criss cross. "Look up." Kurtis said. Then Y/n slowly looked up, he saw a small bunch of mistletoe hanging above them. The two males both grew blushes. "Rules are rules." Y/n said. Then he felt lips press against his, it being both their first kiss, and it felt amazing. Then Y/n was pushed down against the bed, being pinned down by the younger. Their kiss continued, heating up slightly when Y/n bit down on Kurtis's lip. Then they heard the smoke alarm go off, and both sprung up and ran towards the kitchen. "I forgot I was making cookies in case the mistletoe didn't work-" Kurtis said and laughed as Y/n pulled the pan out filled with black cookies.

"Its a definitely"
"Definitely you can move in with me in 11 days. Besides you are my boyfriend.".
"Kurtis? Kurtis? Did you pass out???!!!!??"

// before i forget again. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Ily all! Happy holidays!

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