Bartender~ Yuuri Katsuki x Male Reader

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//welp here we are finally starting the valentines day specials, I've been so excited. AhhHHH. I just love love. Heh. also if anyone was curious i got rejected by my crush she said she liked someone else too much, and they happen to be a guy. WHEEZE I ALWAYS CHOOSE THE STRAIGHTEST PEOPLE. but tbh im fine, life is too short to be sad over something silly as being rejected, i was rejected for a reason, maybe something or someone better will come my way, for now i will just love myself. Hope if anyone recently got rejected that you will or do feel the same!! I love you all!!

Also how would you guys feel about a valentines lemon????? or two??? just for this special occasion though. After valentines this offer expires :,)

!!!Actor AU¡¡¡ also yuuri is chubby owo

Yuuri Katsuki sighed as he sat down in his favourite bar to go to, today was valentines day, well valentines night now, Yuuri spent his whole day trying to make his crush notice him, who just happened to be Viktor Nikiforov, but at the moment Yuuri felt horrible and he was a chubby marshmallow, he spent the day sending fan mail, emails, comments, likes, and dm's that would never be responded to. He did that all day, no breaks, well except for food of course, but now he felt horrible, so he came down to his favourite bar to come drink, because it always made him feel better, but what he didn't know was that they hired a new bartender and his friend, who happens to be a barista here, was on holidays with her girlfriend, damn that Kurtis always spending time with her loved ones.

Yuuri groaned, waiting for Kurtis to come take his order, but when he heard a voice, it definitely wasn't Kurtis's, it was a soft but deep/high voice, different from Kurtis's stern but caring voice. "Hello, what can I get you tonight?" Yuuri looked at the male who just asked him something, which he wasn't going to respond to anytime soon. The male had h/c hair that looked soft and beautiful e/c eyes that shone perfectly when the lights in the bar hit them. Yuuri stared at the beautiful male in front of him, his jaw dropped. "W-who are y-you?!" Yuuri yelled at the male in front of him, wanting to know very badly. The male in front of him sweat dropped and blushed a little. "I am Y/n L/n." Said the beautiful male. Yuuri stared some more. The male, who is now known to Yuuri as Y/n. "Uhm and you are?" Asked Y/n. The question didn't seem to make it to Yuuri's brain very fast, but when it did finally get there, Yuuri blushed but finally answered. "Uhm.. maybe the valentines special." Yuuri surprisingly didn't stutter, as he looked directly in the beautiful and deep e/c eyes that held so many things that Yuuri wanted. Y/n nodded as he went to go mix the drink, Yuuri just watched the male.

Y/n got off his shift soon, and began drinking with Yuuri, both finding a lot in common, like their love for an actor named Viktor Nikiforov and how they both are aspiring actors themselves. They immediately clicked, almost faster than the clock ticked. Y/n laughed as Yuuri said another funny but relatable thing, something along the lines of being to lazy to actually accomplish anything in life. "Hey Yuuri.." Y/n said lowly, but it still caught Yuuri's attention. "Yes?" Yuuri responded getting curios every breath their alcohol reeking mouths exhaled exhaustively from laughing too much. "I-... Thanks, you made me feel better after being rejected today." Y/n said seriously but at the same time happy. Yuuri smiled, and nodded in understanding. "Well.. You're welcome Y/n." Y/n smiled too.

Finally departing, despite it being early, which was 11:30 pm, Y/n and Yuuri were waiting for their individual cabs. They both felt exhausted, giddy, and awkward, at the same time, damn what alcohol does to you. Y/n's cab pulled up, just as he was about to step in he stopped, turned to Yuuri, and did the unexpected. ((HE MADE IT LOOK LIKE IT WAS A KISS BUT IT WAS A HUG. JK JK ily all.)) He ran up to Yuuri with a huge smile, grabbed him and kissed him. "Happy Valentines Day Yuuri Katsuki."

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