Ahhhhhh!~ Izuku Midoriya x Male Reader

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// welp. Im so sorry i planned to do many things for valentines but then on Tuesday night i had a surprise high school course to do. Ugh. It was hard, and I didn't come home till like ten that night. So,, BUT THAT IS LIKE NO EXCUSE im sorry. So very sorry, but here have some fluffy shit. Im still writing the chapters but I am still going to be busy this entire week, I am going to a youth conference:,) its gunna be like an all week thing, so I will have wifi at the hotel, but Im using that time to make amvs. Because Im slow, but anyways ily all and thanks!!!

Y/n grinned as he saw his totally defenceless boyfriend sitting on the couch of his apartment, he snuck up behind the couch, getting ready to pounce. "AHHHHHHHH!!!" Yelled Y/n as he jumped over the couch onto Izuku, who yelped out in pain, feeling the wind knocked out of him he gasped and tried to push off the male on top of him. "Y/n w-why in the world w-would you do that?!?!" Izuku yelled, the air finally coming back into his lungs. Y/n shrugged as he sat on his boyfriends lap. "A true pro hero is always ready for anything, you sir were not ready for my amazingness  now were you?" Y/n said and grinned. Izuku sighed, blushing slightly in embarrassment. "W-well Im sorry I wasn't ready... B-but Im ready now." Izuku said blushing even more. Y/n was really confused. "W-what?" Y/n asked blushing a tiny bit while tilting his head in a cute manner. But what happened next really shocked Y/n. Izuku pressed his lips to Y/n's, a gentle kiss, but it had love in it. Which made Y/n smile into the kiss. Izuku pulled away with a dark shade of red covering his face. "That was our first kiss." Y/n said, sitting there, smiling, kind of in a shocked idiotic state. Izuku only nodded, before he muttered out three beautiful words that Y/n would repeat over and over in his head for weeks. "I love you.." Was heard from Izuku, Y/n gasped and grinned, before kissing Izuku again in happiness. Izuku didn't hesitate to kiss back, at that moment their hearts were beating at 100 miles per hour, which probably was unhealthy. They finally pulled apart, both having the goofiest smiles on their faces, along with a shade of red, Y/n finally responded to Izuku with words. "I love you too, you goofball."

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