Burning~ Henjin Kaibutsu (oc) x Male Reader

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//JUST SAYING BEFORE YOU BEGIN, IT IS SHORT. AND IT IS TRIGGERING. Henjin has red hair and golden eyes, just saying. The rest is left up for you. Since im busy and only have a little time to write, I didn't have time to look for a pic.


Henjin walked down the sidewalk, angrily, causing his hair to light up on fire, everyone giving him weird looks. Who wouldn't? His hair was on fire, and he acted like it was normal, and it was. He was born with it, whether he was angry or embarrassed, it lit on fire. The reason he was angry today was because, it was choosing day, where you are chosen your mate for life according to a few tests. Many people adapted to the saying of 'The Soulmate Tests.' for the tests you did to find your mate, so far the government never failed in pairing up somebody. But Henjin didn't want to be put with anyone, he was perfectly fine on his own. He kept walking towards the building where the tests took place, his strides quick and angry.

Y/n sat down on a waiting chair, today was the day he were to be paired with his mate, he was curious of what they were like. His age group was here, kids from all over came here, there were several other buildings meant for this in other locations across the globe, but they organized everyone by personality, they get you to do a test before coming here, and you are put in a group, apparently a group of potential people. The test Y/n received was ten pages long, it took awhile. There was a due date for that test, and if you didn't hand it in, these special cops will look for you and force you to do it, that's what Y/n heard at least. Y/n nervously shifted in his seat, there were kids here, like 13 year olds, Y/n was 17, what if he was paired with one of them, in a year of their relationship he would be considered a pedophile. Then he heard that they called you by age. Phew..  But why wasn't he here when he was 13? He shook of the question and looked around, he heard a speaker say for his age group to go to section A5. He followed orders and made his way there.

Y/n panted, the first test was the psychical ability test, you had to run two laps, which Y/n finished third place in. Y/n was pretty fast, but he could thank his father for that, he was a track star. The first place winner was a boy named. Henjin? Y/n shrugged. Then he prepared his mind for the 'smarts' test. Its really just basic math and stuff. Once that test was done, Y/n finished in last place... and of course, Henjin was first. 'Who is this person??' Y/n thought and tsked lightly. The next test was child care. Y/n loved kids, and kids seemed to love him. Thats what happened. He was assigned to one kid, but in the end he had all the kids around him, hugging him. In that test, Henjin finished last, and you could only guess who finished first. It was Y/n. He pretty ran a daycare for a bit. The last test was human conflicts. Y/n was faced with a angry neighbor, who called him foul names. But Y/n smiled sweetly, and handled it with kindness, offering a talk, some snacks, and even a hug. Meanwhile a fire started somewhere. Y/n was happy that all the tests were over, then they announced one last test. Y/n groaned. What else do they want? The last test was survival skills. You had to set a fire, make a shelter, and prepare a wild meal. In the first ten minutes, Y/n only stacked a few sticks against a tree, when the first person done was announced. Henjin. He seemed to be great with anything athletic and brain wise, just not human wise...

The announcing of your mate for life was happening, and Y/n was very nervous. "Y/n L/n..and.. Henjin Kaibutsu. Congratulations you are destined mates." Y/n's mouth dropped. Then he saw smoke in the crowd. This was going to be an awful ride..

"SHUT UP ASSHOLE, I DO WHAT I WANT!" Y/n yelled at the top of his lungs, Henjin constantly bossed him around. Henjin's hair lit up. "What the hell did you call me?!" He asked sternly. Y/n was scared to death, but he stood his grounds. "I CALLED YOU ASSHOLE!" Y/n yelled. Then he was lifted up by the collar of his shirt. This happened whenever Henjin was mad, and the water works began. Y/n sniffled, as tears flew down his face. Henjin sneered at the sight. "You disgusting fool. I never wanted you. You worthless piece of meat, why are you even alive?" Henjin said. "I hope you die.." He finished and dropped Y/n. Then Y/n grabbed a piece of paper, and put it lightly near Henjin's hair. "I fell for you.. I don't understand. You broke my heart down. Our love is like a burning garden.." He took the now burning piece of paper to a pot full of colourful flowers. He touched the paper on the flowers. They lit up. Henjin's eyes widened. His jaw dropped in shock. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!!!" Yelled Henjin. Henjin started crying, his tears streaming while Y/n's tears streamed down. "You're gonna get you wish asshole." Y/n said, and put the last bit of burning paper on himself. He quickly lit up. Henjin screamed. He never screamed before in his entire life. Y/n smiled. Then he fell to the ground, in flames. Henjin screamed. He ran towards your body. His clothing catching fire also. "You're my soulmate... I know I treat you horribly.. but I have a hard time communicating..." His skin was burning now. "But.. I love you. We will burn away together. Finally be happy. Im sorry.." His body burned, his insides were starting to burn too now. He coughed, blood came up. "Im sorry Y/n.. I wanted you to *cough* t-teach me how to love.. but I fucked up! Like always. Im sorry..." He was on his last breathes, his lungs burned in pain when he inhaled.

"Im sorry for giving you a burning garden."

//inspired by the song: Our Love Is A Burning Garden

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