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A storm was brewing outside the Seattle sky, but an even bigger storm was firing in the dark haired girl's head

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A storm was brewing outside the Seattle sky, but an even bigger storm was firing in the dark haired girl's head. She started pacing back and fourth in her crappy apartment building, biting her nails out of a nervous habit.

It was like they were taunting her to take some. All the music blaring out of her household speakers and the drunk medical students shouting for more alcohol, it was like they were ordering the confused girl to take just one more pill.

It all started that Thursday years ago when Aurora Thompson thought she had it all. A room where she can lay down after a long day, food in her stomach, a roof over her head, and most importantly, her best friend Alex Evans sitting right next to her.

But that all changed when Alex changed his last name to Karev, starting out a new life full of adventure and new expectations. All the ambition Aurora felt too, until she was left alone and confused.

Aurora remembers the last day she saw her best friend, and how she should've known that the same day, he was trying to say goodbye to her. The day plays over and over in her head, just like the last kiss they shared as well. Then when she went to bed the next day, and woke up to the sound of shouting, she knew all she had to do, was hold herself together.

The dark haired girl didn't want to break anymore, and honestly, she didn't understand why she felt so broken. Yes, her best friend left without saying goodbye, but why did she feel so empty inside?

That question hasn't been answered since, and time has surely passed since Aurora realized the mental state she was in. And now, she was staring at a bottle of anti-depressants that were labeled with another person's name, calling out to her like all the other times before.

"Aurora!" Someone shouted over the loud music, startling the girl in the bathroom, staring down at the prescription bottle. "Aurora!"

Aurora reacts quickly, grabbing the pill bottle in front of her and stuffing it into her coat pocket. She opens the bathroom door in a hurry, getting face to face with the voice shouting her name. "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

The girl clears her throat, laughing off the smell of vodka on her friend's breath. "Jeana, I told you I was going to the bathroom, didn't I?"

Her friend laughed at her own stupidity, but nods her head confirming she did. Aurora feels her hands being taken, and her body is dragged to the end of the hallway towards the drunk male med students she befriended over the years.

"There's the top student!" Someone shouted out at Aurora, making her cheeks turn a dark shade of red. "She's the top of my list, in more ways then one." Another one whispered, Aurora growing uncomfortable at the announcement.

"Hey." Aurora mumbles under her breath, rubbing her arm lightly in comfort. Jeana, the girl that dragged her over, puts her arms around Aurora's shoulders and laughs at her awkwardness. Aurora looks over at her friend with a confused look. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to figure out why you are so damn awkward, Thompson!" Jeana shouts, grabbing an untouched beer from the coffee table, handing it to her friend. Jeana takes a sip of her own, before returning to talking. "So tell me, why are you? You are on the top of the totem poll of our class, and most importantly, you are hot! So why the hell are you so damn awkward?"

The words came flying out of her mouth so calmly, but they hit Aurora like daggers. They were digging through Aurora's skin like she was starting to suffocate from the harsh words, and she didn't know how to pull herself out of this situation. When she was a teenager, she didn't have to worry about these types of things. Alex protected her from them.

Clutching the pills in her coat pocket, Aurora let out a deep breath of relief. There was only one way to get out of this situation, and she knew just the way to do it. So she stood up tall and full of pride, spinning around towards the girl. "I'm awkward, because that's all I ever known to be. I'm this way, because I freaking like it, and I will be this way for the rest of my life. All I do is be myself, and I suggest you try that as well."

Aurora bends down, grabbing the beer out of Jeana's hands before returning to her normal posture. "So if you excuse me, I've had enough of this dumbass party. We are going to be freaking residents. It's time to start acting like it."

With that, Aurora turned around and walked away, making sure to pull out that small piece of -what she thinks- is her sanity, popping it into her mouth to be washed down with the rest of Jeanie's lukewarm beer.

Because tomorrow was a new day, and Aurora needed all the energy she could get.

Tomorrow, she will become a resident at Seattle Grace Mercy West, and she was ready to start her new life. Even though she didn't know, her old life would come back and bite her in the ass.



love always,


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