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Aurora stood in the doorway of her son's bedroom, listening to the sound of his snores echo through the apartment walls

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Aurora stood in the doorway of her son's bedroom, listening to the sound of his snores echo through the apartment walls. It was a consistent routine for the mother each night, making sure frequently that her son was safe and out in his own bed. Just like she wished she had when she was his age.

Becoming a mother at eighteen years old was the hardest part of her life. Getting kicked out of foster homes because nobody wanted a pregnant teenaged girl under their roof. Having nobody in her corner was the part that broke her the most. Having Alex Karev leave her the day after they made love was the part that made her crumble.

But when she was twenty years old, she finally made enough money to balance out college and a decent apartment building. Jeana, her friend she met in a pregnancy teen class, became her support system. She and Aurora were inseparable after they met, going to ultrasounds for one another, while also moving in together to help out on rent.

Sadly, Jeana miscarried after twenty weeks into her pregnancy. The heartbreak was hard for Aurora to watch, but she stayed by Jeana's side the whole time. And Jeana did the same for her when Aurora delivered 13 weeks later.

The blonde decided she wanted to spend her life in the daycare industry, so when the opportunity came to watch Evan while Aurora went to college, was a no brainer. Aurora managed through college, having an upperclassmen study buddy really helped.

Jamie Bay saw something in Aurora that made her want to help her through college. She doesn't know what it was or why she felt this way, but she knew she needed to help Aurora succeed. So from endless coffee dates to countless of flash cards being made, Aurora made it through college and into med school.

"Mom?" A groggily voice said, breaking Aurora from her train of thought. She turned her head towards her son, a smile on her lips.


"What are you doing? You are kind of creeping me out." Evan blankly states, causing Aurora to hold back a laugh.

She wraps herself more into her fur blanket, walking over to his bed and lays down next to him. Aurora leaves a small kiss on his forehead, tucking a strand of his curled hair behind his ear. He closes his eyes, a faint smile spreading.

Aurora shuts her eyes, enjoying the sweet company of her son in her arms.


"Dr. Thompson!" A voice calls out for Aurora, making the girl turn around with a startled look on her face. She closes the chart in her hands, a wide smile on her face.

"That's me, did you need something?"

The woman stuffs her hands in her lab coat, looking at Aurora with a stern face. "I'm Meredith Grey, a friend of Alex Karev and Jamie Bay."

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